Prototype Footage of a Tactics-Based Call of Duty

As it turns out, Call of Duty was, at one point, a third person tactics-based shooter under development by game studio Vicarious Visions.

Thanks to supererannuation who was able to dig up some interesting info, we’ve discovered this prototype footage of a very different take on the Call of Duty franchise that was apparently in development by Vicarious Visions.

Sure enough, Vicarious Visions‘ Senior FX artist and animator has listed on his resume “’Call of Duty prototype’ 360, PS3 : FX artist” under “Vicarious Visions Games contributed to.”

According to superannuation, the “game was obviously never released, and briefly a thing around 2009 or so IIRC. Targeted platforms X360/PS3 etc.”

Check out the prototype footage and let us know what you think in the comments below. Do you think a more tactical, third-person Call of Duty would have been a welcome addition to the franchise?

[youtube id=”sB6nBCN3hRg” width=”600″ height=”350″]

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