Call of Duty: WWII Nuke Revealed, Here’s How You Earn It

Call of Duty: WWII does indeed feature a “nuke” scorestreak! It comes in the form of the V2 Rocket, which kills every single enemy. Whenever a nuke features in a Call of Duty game, community members often go wild with attempts to earn it in the fastest way possible, or earn as many as possible.

Here’s footage of the V2 Rocket in action:

And here are the requirements:

Prestige all 5 Divisions at least once to gain access to the V2 Rocket Killstreak.

You are on your way to earning the V2 Rocket. Once you’ve prestiged all 5 Divisions you will gain access to the 25-Killstreak.

“Simply” get 25 non-Scorestreak kills without dying to earn it.

Now you know it’s possible, will you be aiming for the ultimate scorestreak? Remember that only gun kills count, so consider using non-lethal scorestreaks to assist you in avoiding death!

In other Call of Duty news, Sledgehammer Games has blamed the WWII server issues on the “extremely high volume of players,” WWII sales in the UK are  “significantly higher” than Infinite Warfare resulting in 21% higher revenue, and WWII microtransactions are coming next week and will be used to buy Supply Drops.

Source: Twitch, Reddit

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