Gaming as the Best Way to Release Stress During Exams

Exams are stressful, regardless of how prepared you may be. There is always the anxiety that you may not have covered everything for the next paper and conversely, you could be worrying about your performance in the last paper and not sure if you did well. 

All these can drive you up the wall literally during exam time. You need something to help you unwind for the next paper and it now appears gaming is the best way to release stress during exams and here is why.

Exams are stressful, regardless of how prepared you may be. There is always the anxiety that you may not have covered everything for the next paper and conversely, you could be worrying about your performance in the last paper and not sure if you did well. 

All these can drive you up the wall literally during exam time. You need something to help you unwind for the next paper and it now appears gaming is the best way to release stress during exams and here is why.

  1. Science on gaming and stress relieve

Popular thinking is that gaming is teenage pastime unworthy of any mention and without health benefit. As a matter of belief, many people think it a waste of time and an activity for idlers. 

However, what does science say about gaming and its effect on players? Unbelievably, scientific research appears to suggest strongly that gaming can indeed relieve stress and lift your moods.

Cortisol is the hormone responsible for stress in people and control of its levels is key to relaxing. Research by McGill University found that gaming reduced the production of this hormone in the body by 17 percent, significantly lowering stress levels. Many other research findings by various bodies have made a strong case for gaming as an antidote to stress.

  1. Gaming for improved brain function

In difficult and stressful situations like when facing exams, your brain might take flight – freeze and leave you blank when you need it most. This compounds the already stressed situation and can lead to depression besides failed exams. 

So, how do you train your brain to stay focused on difficult situations while handling accompanying anxiety?

Video gaming is designed for a split second on the spot decisions, training your brain for extreme multitasking capacity. This does not only enhance your capacity to handle stress but to think at the same time, something a student definitely needs in exams. 

Gaming trains your mind to remain focused on the task at hand while finding a solution to emerging hurdles as you seek success. 

During all this, you can also use for the writing work that bothers you. After all, you cannot produce quality work when you are stressed and working hard to gain mental focus. Let the expert writers at UK Essay do the thesis, essays and dissertation work for you. 

  1. Managing stress by gaming

Granted, playing video games can be stressful in itself with frustrations at not beating the machine. Strangely, this irony is the trick to stress management. You see, every time you take up a game, you must overcome multiple hurdles in a fast-paced game that does not allow you time to think on your way to the next level. 

Unsuccessful progression can lead to stress and rage that feeds on itself to keep defeating you. You have to rethink strategy, and suddenly you realize that keeping calm might help you read the game clearly and successfully. Bingo! You just learned to manage your stress and possible bouts of rage. Do this several times over and you become the master of your emotions able to control decisions.

  1. Gaming for superior cognitive capacity

Gaming is not all about relaxation for players. There are other benefits for students that can help in both studies and exams. However, the student must define goals clearly when opting for video gaming as a tool in their study program. Consciously engage in gaming with the aim of enhancing your mental acuity even as you play to relax.

Scientific research has also demonstrated that responsible gaming has a marked impact on a player’s cognitive capacity. Gaming improves thought speed, analytical reasoning, problem-solving skills, and mathematical proficiency qualities any student desires. 

What this means is that over a long time of practice, a student acquires other learning skills unaware despite playing for leisure. The gaming rule, though, is to play responsibly.

  1. Play for self-motivation and resilience

Video gaming is based on multiple levels of challenges and progression. You have to overcome one level to proceed with difficulty index increasing. The desire to conquer and proceed to the ultimate finish drives players and not any external bidding. As these levels get harder, it takes a player with strong motivation to fight on with eyes on the prize.

If practiced well, the motivation gained here can be extended to classwork and exams helping the student achieve desired academic goals. Since academic programs come in ascending levels, to successfully progress through education, a smart student can use the same gaming analogy with eyes firmly on that major. 

The important thing is to approach gaming with clearly understood objectives, otherwise “Jumanji” will swallow you.


Gaming is gaining popularity even beyond the traditional youth group and attracting older people seeking relief from life stresses. For students, there are multiple benefits to gain as long as they exercise moderation to guard against the downsides. 

Besides relaxation, you also get to make friends as they learn from the competitive spirit generated during group gaming. In these technological days, it is a worthy alternative to outdoor activities, especially during winters. Game on as you excel in your exams! 

Author Bio:

Ray Campbell is an academic counselor who works with school and college students to help them beat stress and achieve higher success in whatever they take up. He focuses mainly on sports performance, academic results and general behavior. Other than his work, he loves to try drone photography, reads books and shoots prank videos for TikTok.

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