Rainbow Six Siege Zombies Guide: All Infected Enemy Types & How to Kill Them

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Rainbow Six Siege players are about to face an all-new type of enemy. Operation Chimera will introduce five different infected opponents, who each boast their own set of unique abilities.

To combat the Rainbow Six Siege zombies menace, players will need to work together. It will also help to know thy enemy, so read on for the full infected breakdown and how to kill them dead.

Rainbow Six Siege Zombies: All Infected Enemy Types

  • Grunts

Grunts are common hostiles that become highly resistant when the parasite detects an enemy presence. To protect its host, the parasite armors its body and becomes more resistant to bullet wounds. Caution and stealth is recommended.

  • Breachers

Breachers are proximity bombs that crater anything in their path. They make for a very agile opponent, but they launch themselves into the fray and blow holes in indestructible walls. Make sure you are nowhere close to them.

  • Rooters

Rooters are a rarer type of hostile. They send out coral spikes from the ground to injure and immobilize their targets. Rooters are always on the move and will keep you on edge. Beware when dealing them the final blow; they become extremely lethal when on the brink of death.

  • Smashers

Smashers are not discreet. The parasite reinforces its body under a massively thick hide, making it practically impervious to bullet wounds. They will also tear down walls without suffering any injuries.

  • Apex

Apex is at the top of the hostile food chain. It sends waves of hostiles your way rather than attack you head-on. They can hurl blinding projectiles, which can only be countered by Finka and Doc. This opponent is a real test on your team’s communication skills.


Rainbow Six Siege Zombies: How to Kill the Infected

In addition to the above tips on each infected type, players will want to be wary of enemies combining their abilities. As this is a 3-player co-op activity, the priority should be great communication, even under extreme pressure.

Catch Grunts by surprise with combined fire, Breachers drop bombs which players will need to watch out for, Rooters should be treated with caution when they’re close to death, Smashers should be given a wide berth, and Apex should never be underestimated.

In other Rainbow Six Siege news, Ubisoft has backtracked on its attempt to raise the base game price, loot boxes are making their way into the game, and Easter eggs gave the first tease of the upcoming zombie content.

Source: Ubisoft

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