Risk of Rain 2 Artifacts Changes Revealed

risk of rain 2 artifacts changes

While console gamers just got the Risk of Rain 2 Hidden Realms patch yesterday, PC players have something to look forward to next week! Hopoo Games has revealed the Risk of Rain 2 Artifacts changes which is due this March 31 when the update will be out for PC.

Risk of Rain 2 Artifacts 2.0 changes update:

  • Artifacts: Artifacts make their Risk of Rain 2 debut. These treasures can be unlocked by completing in-game challenges and then equipped at the start of a run to dramatically modify aspects of the game, adding variety and challenge. Some are new, some are returning, and range from “oh fun” to “who hurt you?”
  • New Stage, Monsters and Hidden Boss: Sky Meadow returns as a 5th stage, players will encounter new familiar monsters, and a new hidden boss awaits those clever enough to find them.
  • Skill Variants: Commando, Huntress, Engineer and Acrid receive more unlockable skill variants to shock and awe in new ways.
  • New Loot: New equipment, items, and a Lunar Item of dubious purpose enter the world for Survivors to discover.
  • Engineer Skin: Engineer enthusiasts can earn a skin for their Survivor by completing an in-game challenge.

Once the patch is out, we’ll be sure to let people know, along with the full patch notes list once Hopoo Games reveals it.

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