Killing Floor 2 Update 1.52 April 19 Strolls Out for Hotfixes

Killing Floor 2 Update 1.52

Tripwire Interactive has just released a small hotfix making it’s way over onto PlayStation and Xbox players. Here’s the lowdown on what Killing Floor 2 Update 1.52 fixes.

Killing Floor 2 Update 1.52 Patch Notes | Killing Floor 3 Update Patch Notes

Bug fixes included:

  • Gravity Imploder: Addressed an issue with the weapon that was causing the game to lock for Xbox users.
  • Dosh Vault: Addressed an issue where users could be awarded large amounts of dosh causing the game to stay in the Dosh Vault for extended periods of time.

Known issues:

  • Playstation: New users will not be granted their first launch dosh if they receive any other dosh rewards in game prior to visiting the Dosh Vault.

Not a very major update in terms of new content as you can see, but Xbox users should hopefully be issue free with using the Gravity Imploder now. If we spot any other changes reported by the community, as always, we will be sure to update this post.

For now, we hope everyone is enjoying the last content drop, Dystopian Devastation.

Source:  Tripwire Interactive

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