Battlefield 4 Battlelog Image Reveals Linear 5-Flag Snow-Covered Conquest Map

An image snapped from the latest Battlefield 4 Battlelog trailer reveals a previously unseen Battlefield 4 map covered in snow, sporting a fairly linear layout with 5 Conquest flags.


The image is taken from a short scene showing off the new Battlelog’s second-screen functionality, allowing gamers to interact with their game via a hand-held tablet.

The design itself seems to harken back to maps like Davamand Peak of Battlefield 3, tasking players with pushing through enemy forces in a straight line to their objective through five different capture poitns. Naturally, the battlefield pictured above would make a promising RUSH map.

What do you guys think? What is your take on linear maps like Davamand Peak or Operation Metro?


A second image reveals how players will be able to enter Battlefield 4 matches using the game’s new spectator mode.


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