High on Life: High on Knife Review – Too Short to Stab

High on Life is back with a new adventure, High on Knife! Centered around the very talkative and Australian accent knife, Knifey, players will explore his original story while also meeting some new friends along the way. It’s time to get stabby in our High on Knife review!

Stabby Stabby

After saving the universe from the clutches of the G3 Cartel, our hero bounty hunter and their arsenal of talking weapons once more find themselves at the service of the galaxy, hunting down its most wanted criminals. Thus, another epic, long, and bloody-filled tale of hunting down bounties and saving the galaxy begins once agai– oh wait, it turns out we already did all that and lost one of our guns along the way (Kenny, you can probably guess why) but also gained a new one, who’s voiced by Sarah Sherman (Saturday Night Live). I guess it’s time to return home and finally take that long-deserved break from being a hero.

At least that’s what we thought, as upon arriving back home, Gene, our bounty hunter mentor, informs us that a package had missed its delivery. And who is this package for? Well, for good ole Knifey, who, after learning of the package, discovers that it was sent from his lost homeworld. This is where your new journey begins, as you embark with Knifey and company to retrieve the package so that Knifey can reunite again with his colony of knives.

It’s a story that’ll see you venture to new locations, and like the original game, you can expect a ton of dark and sickening humor with every piece of dialogue. Though if you thought High on Life went a bit far in its humor and visuals, I’d argue that High of Knife up the antics to the point that even I had to stare away. That’s sort of the point of it, and like the base game before, this definitely won’t be for everyone, though if you liked High on Life, you’ll undoubtedly like the DLC.

And if you did, well, you’ll have even more to look forward to in this DLC, as there are new weapons that are just as obscure as the others. Knifey even gets a chainsaw upgrade, turning you into the Doom Slayer himself as you rip through enemies, sawing them in half with brutal new executions that are complete blood baths. A new pinball gun (dubbed B.A.L.L.) will have weird blue naked aliens perched on top of it, loading in a silver pinball that can bounce back and forth, heating up until the ball combusts. These aliens talk, though don’t expect to understand them as they speak a language that sounds gibberish.

The new planet is home to Salt Lick City, inhabited by slug-like creatures. It’s large but surprisingly linear, with the suit having access to a new boosted slide ability that lets you ride all over the terrain, giving you some much-needed mobility.

Sadly, as fun as all the new content is, it’s restricted to the DLC and never truly feels realized, as the campaign itself is short, if not rushed.

Just how short of a campaign? Well, I beat it in a little less than two hours. It’s DLC, so expecting a full-length adventure probably wasn’t in everyone’s thoughts anyway. Still, while playing through it, it did come as a surprise just how short it ended up being, as it sets itself to seem to be a large adventure and then sort of just rushed things in the second hour with it coming to an abrupt end. It has a conclusion and sees Knifey’s journey all the way through, but the conclusion is hardly one I call satisfying unless you like it when things go all meta and wall-breaking. It’s cool for the humor of it, but even the High on Life base campaign gave you enough closure. I’m not entirely sure what happened at the end here.

At least after the campaign, you can go off and explore the new planet and mop up any side missions and collectibles. But again, it’s not much.

The DLC drops tomorrow, and I can’t even tell you how much it will cost, as nothing has been announced outside of it being paid content, but hey, if it’s cheap enough, then I’d say it could be worth the buy. Otherwise, it’d be a hard sell even to fans of the original. As much as I am glad to see DLC happen, as I loved High on Life, I wish this DLC spent longer in the oven, possibly even evolving into a sequel. Hopefully, that’s still in the mix. Otherwise, this is a rather low-on-life note to end.

Score: 6.5/10


  • New locations that are visually fun to look at.
  • New weapons are great additions.
  • The jokes may not be for everyone, but I’m a fan of Squanch Game’s dark humor.
  • It’s more of the same, so if you loved the first game, you’ll love High on Knife.


  • Its campaign is short, with the ending feeling rushed.
  • New weapons are strictly for the DLC.

High on Knife review code was provided by the publisher. You can read MP1st’s review and scoring policy right here.

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7 months ago

It´s really short and the “new” starter weapon and it´s voice it´s terrible.

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