Modern Warfare 2 Update 1.30 Shoots Out This November 1 (Update)

Modern Warfare 2 Update 1.30

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 update 1.30 (PS5 version 1.030) has been pushed out, and this is another significant download for all players. Read on for what’s new in the official patch notes below, which also applies to Warzone.

Modern Warfare 2 Update 1.30 Patch Notes | Modern Warfare 2 Update 1.030 Patch Notes:

Size: 5GB (PS5)

Update: Official patch notes have been released.



  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Loadout Select menu to open while in-combat in Multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue where pressing the “Back” button from a connected second input source could cause the game to not respond to any input until relaunched
  • Fixed an issue where the numbers in the optic of the “Dragon’s Sword” Blueprint could become misaligned while running
  • Fixed a reoccurrence of an issue where collected Souls counted towards Scorestreaks
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an error message when attempting to load into El Asilo in the Haunting 24/7 Playlist in splitscreen
  • Fixed an issue where ADS view could become obscured by kill tags when playing splitscreen
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an incorrect background to appear when previewing a weapon
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent Players from using the Reporting feature when using a controller



  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when engaging zombies with the “Big Berry” Blueprint equipped on Vondead Zombie Royale Trios
  • Fixed an issue where the Chemist 3: Journal at Zaya Observatory is unable to be picked up in DMZ
  • Fixed an issue where non-Party leader Players could get stuck on an unusable select screen when trying to launch DMZ through the Haunting tab
  • Fixed an issue where spamming Armor Plates while Hell is heating up causes the Player to take significantly less damage
  • Fixed an issue where Souls gathered during a DMZ match were not added to the Haunting Event count after failing to exfil and dying in the gas

So far, no notes have been shared so far, though that should change within the day. In the meantime, go check out the incoming changes to the mid-season update that rolled out today.

There’s nothing new in the official Trello board for now as well.


The Haunting: Two Map Reskins:

Starting with the mid-season update, you’ll find the Halloween spirit alive and well with two map updates: El Asilo celebrates Día de Muertos, while Embassy becomes the site of a devastating zombie attack.

El Asilo: Larger-than-life calaveras stand outside the asylum, looking over the festivities of Día de Muertos. Other painted and neon skulls decorate the landscape alongside marigolds, candles, and altars that honor lost loved ones.

Embassy: Diplomacy has broken down: Conduct an evening operation on Embassy following a gruesome zombie attack. The message “Send Help” hangs suspended from the rooftop, but it’s far too late…the zombie attack has already come and gone, leaving structural havoc and corporeal damage in its wake.

 Haunting Twist on Classic Modes:

Along with changes to maps, the mid-season update is also bringing Halloween twists to a select number of modes. While the overall objectives may be the same, try not to get scared out of your wits while completing them.

Haunting Domination: Own all the control points on the map as usual. However, in this version of Domination, expect a Scarecrow to act as a marker for each flag.

Haunting Kill Confirmed/Grind: Instead of Dog Tags, collect skulls in Grind and Kill Confirmed.

Haunting Drop Zone Drop Scares: Capture and hold the Drop Zone to earn points for your team but take care while opening any crates . . . who knows what might jump out at you!

Haunting Infected: Zombies swarm to Infected. Players who become infected will appear as The Haunting–themed Zombies.

Once the official patch notes are out, we’ll update the article, so refresh this from time to time.

Update: Official patch notes have been added.

Source: Call of Duty

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6 months ago

So, still no fix for the “1 or more DLC not installed”!!! No matter how many times you install, restart, delete and redownload everything…. I missed the whole event so far, good job Activision

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