Insomniac Games Reveals Who Their Main Universe Spider-Man Is, But Doesn’t Mean Other Is Gone

Insomniac Games Main Spider-Man

Insomniac Games knew very early on where they wanted to take the story of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, including who would be their main Spider-Man in their universe.

In a spoiler-filled interview with Gizmodo, Insomniac’s narrative director Ben Arfmann, and advanced writer Brittney Morris opened up about the game’s story and how early on they thought about some of the decisions they’ve made, including the ending, which spoilers see’s Miles Morales telling Peter that he “got this” as he swings out to fight crime, leaving Peter to enjoy a bit of life.

It always felt very natural, and I think we all collectively thought it would happen,” Morris said, “To me, it shows a great deal of evolution from Miles; at the beginning of the game, we see him struggling to figure out what he wants to do with his life. By the end, we had Miles carrying the burden of saving the city, and also carrying Pete when Pete wasn’t strong enough to carry himself at various points.

That’s what’s been so cool about writing a story about two Spider-Men: they’re both strong, and one of them can be strong when the other is not. By the end, Miles is more confident and he’s like, “Yeah, I got this. How much worse can things get after what we just went through?”

Arfmann chimed in, saying that they knew pretty early on that they wanted to have a moment when Peter essentially handed the reigns of Spider-Man to Miles Morales.

“I think it was Jon who wrote that scene in Aunt May’s garage, and it’s one of my favorite scenes. The way that Miles intuits exactly what Pete is thinking and stops him from stumbling through trying to hand over the mask. Miles going, “You know I got this, bro,” it’s such a great moment between the two of them. And it felt like such a natural conclusion; I’m not sure when specifically we decided to do that, but it always felt like the only way the game could end.”

Now, to clarify, this does not mean that Miles Morales will be the star of the third main Spider-Man game. Instead, at least how we interpret it based on our time with the game is that Miles is no longer the student. Throughout the game, he’s constantly seeking Peter’s help, which ties into the ending when Peter tries to offer it. It essentially means that Miles has grown and can handle things himself.

Looking back at the intro of the game, Peter was all ready to let Miles be on his own while he stayed and taught at the school as Sandman was attacking the city. He was in no immediate rush because Miles was already going to take care of it. It was only then, when Miles came back that we saw Peter pulled back in.

Peter was already training Miles to take over in some capacity. After all, he’s been Spider-Man for over ten years now in this universe; he deserves to take breaks. Ultimately, it means, and this was a theme throughout both Spider-Man games, that Peter can finally balance his hero and personal life. It does NOT mean that Peter is done being Spider-Man — far from it.

He’ll definitely be returning in the third game and most likely be playable; it’s just that New York can expect to see a lot more of Miles, while Peter can finally make time for his personal life.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is now available exclusively for the PS5. You can read our review of the game right here.

Source: Gizmodo, (Thanks, Okami!)

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6 months ago


6 months ago

Im glad that Miles has grown and no longer a student, and that Peter isn’t done being Spiderman. They did an amazing job incorporating both Miles and Peter into the story, and having a well balanced blend of gameplay where players have equal opportunity playing as both Miles and Peter. I never felt like i played as one more then the other during the campaign.

6 months ago

I dare them to just make the next game Miles Morales. It will sell half of what this bait and switch mess did. There isnt a second of this game i enjoyed playing as Miles Morales. He is a terrible character. His friends are bad cliches & his infantile dialogue is obnoxious.

This game will not age well. Its a terrible story. Its got some of the worst writting ive ever seen in a AAA video game.

Its low quality will effect the next sequels sales…Take it to the bank.

Its the Marvel effect. People will just walk away. This was it for me, ill never play another Insomniac Spiderman game —

Reply to  alecj
6 months ago

Cry harder 😂😂😂

Reply to  Michael
6 months ago

Speak for yourself. This is stupid token pandering bullshit. Fucking niggers can’t cut it out on their own and need to piggy back off of beloved characters.

Reply to  Nathan
6 months ago

Jesus christ!

Reply to  alecj
6 months ago

What a blisteringly stupid and long winded comment.

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