Modern Warfare 3: How to Get the MCW Early and Other Guns and Items Without Grinding

Modern Warfare 3 has a ton of weapons that are gated behind leveling up, something that can be a grindy process for players who just want to use their favorite weapons, such as the MCW. Luckily, there’s an easy method to unlock the endgame weapons with little to no effort! Here’s how to Get the MCW early and other guns and items without grinding in Modern Warfare 3. 

Modern Warfare 3: How to Get the MCW Early and Other Guns Without Grinding

The process of unlocking any weapon is pretty simple, as all you have to do is boot into Zombie and exfil. Any weapon you have equipped will automatically be unlocked, and since the MCW is the default loadout you launch with, you can unlock this gun in a matter of minutes rather than grind it out to level 44.  

Now, if you’re going to do this, I recommend either doing it with a group of friends or soloing it. To launch into a zombie lobby is a solo squad, before you click “Find Match” below, you should see the “Squad Fill” option. Push the corresponding button, putting you in a solo squad.

As mentioned, the default loadout will have the MCW, as well as the Lockwood 680. If not (due to a potential update that is spawning people without loadouts) then look around buildings, check walls, chests, ect. 

Once you are in, wait for the Exfil to become available. Should only take a couple of minutes. They are marked on the map as a person exiting a door, and in the field, there is green smoke rising out of the ground. Go to one of these spots and call the helicopter to begin the exfil.  

You’ll need to define the zone from zombies until the helicopter arrives. Once it does, hop on, and wait for it to take off.

Congrats, you now have the MCW unlocked and the Lockwood 680. You can do this at any level, which is far faster than grinding to level 44. 

This method works on ANY items you can pick up in Zombie mode, bypassing any unlock prerequisites. You can do this with killstreaks, lethal weapons, etc., just as long as they are in your equipment slot, as they will not unlock if they are in Rucksack. They have to be equipped to unlock them. 

This is by far the fastest method to unlock items in Modern Warfare 3, which, for those who remember playing Modern Warfare 2, is the same method used during DMZ. That’s not surprising, considering Zombie mode is practically a reskinned DMZ. 

That’s all there is to it! Hope this guide has helped out, and if so, then you may want to check out our other Modern Warfare 3 guides. We’ll be updating this page with more weapon guides, tips and tricks, and more throughout the week. 

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6 months ago

So I’m confused. I tried my very first zombie match after reading this article. I had the MCW/Lockwood combo. I tried to exfil, but I died. Now trying to do another game, if I cant choose anything and have to go in with just fists only.

Reply to  Den
6 months ago

Seems they might have fixed something, many are reporting the same, which is odd. MCW are usually on walls or in loot crates so might have to search when you spawn

6 months ago

No one cares. Dead game

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