Diablo 4 Season 2 Patch 1.2.0 Brings Class Improvements, Unique Items Rework, and Much More

Diablo 4 Season 2 Patch 1.2.0

Blizzard just held a new campfire chat for Diablo 4, discussing even more key changes coming to next season. Here’s a recap of everything discussed about Diablo 4 Season 2’s Patch 1.2.0 during the stream.

Diablo 4 Season 2 Patch 1.2.0 Info From October 10 Campfire Chat:

  • In Season of Blood, Elemental Resistance will become a much more important part of a character’s survivability. By utilizing methods such as itemization, the Skill Tree, Elixirs, and the Paragon Board, the more Resistance you have against a particular element and the more valuable each percentage is for total effective Life. For example, going from 60-65% Fire Resistance is much more valuable than going from 20-25%.
  • Blizzard heard the overwhelming community feedback that Unique items aren’t as exciting and impactful as they need to be. In Season of Blood, they’ve reworked the Unique items and updated nearly every item in the game. Unique Items will be getting completely new stats to empower them further, along with increased ranges on existing stats and adding stats (such as Critical Strikes) to slots where they previously hadn’t existed.
  • In order to reward players for investing in their primary vector of damage—and to be competitive for doing so—the way Damage is calculated is receiving an overhaul. There will still be different damage buckets, except the base amount of bonus damage these methods provide will be multiplicative. The rest of the bonus damage to these categories will be additive when they are combined, and Overpower builds will be much more competitive than before. Monsters and enemies have been rebalanced around the new player power.
  • A slew of Class Improvements are also coming, such as scaling effects for many mechanics across all classes. This includes an increase in damage for the Barbarian’s Blood Rage skill, the Druid’s Victimize skill, and an increase in ramp-up speed to the Sorcerer’s Incinerate skill. These changes are designed to go hand in hand with the aforementioned tweaks to Elemental Resistances, Unique items, and Damage Buckets to enable higher variety and flexibility of builds.

These are the major changes you can expect, though there will be plenty of other improvements brought with the update, some of which we’ve outlined from the last Diablo 4 campfire chat.

That’s the gist of it, but there is a lot, and I mean a lot that gets broken down in the chat that I recommend a full watch (below) of it.


All in all, most of the changes outlined for Season 2 seem to be great, with the community reacting positively to them. Hopefully Blizzard can keep that feeling when the season drops on October 17.

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7 months ago

Thankfully the dev’s are making class improvements, specifically for the sorcerer class. I hate how oftentimes spells set on the hot bar are delayed or laggy at times.

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