Hogwarts Legacy: Well, Well, Well Quest – Where to Find the Ruins

Wait, who said that? Is that.. a talking well? Why yes, it is, and if you happened to run into this well in Hogwarts Legacy, then chances you’re trying to figure out the map it gives. Fret not, as we’ve got you covered! Here’s where to find the ruins for the Hogwarts Legacy’s Well, Well, Well, quest.

Hogwarts Legacy: Well, Well, Well Quest – Where to Find the Ruins

At some point in your adventure, you’ll encounter a mysterious and very talkative well. If you decide to stick around long enough to listen to the well, it’ll cough up a map containing the location of some treasure tucked away in some ruins.

This isn’t the most obvious of treasure maps in Hogwarts Legacy, as it took us a good chunk of time to find the location ourselves. Lucky you, I’m saving you time as I have marked the exact location of these ruins. This portion of the map is located in the Feldcroft region.

You can fast-travel to Irondale if you have the Floo Flame unlocked. The location of the ruin is South of this settlement. 

Once here, you should spot the bridge in the image, the windmill in the background, and a tree in the middle of the ruins.

Go up to the tree. Your character should comment on it, and you should notice that the tree is highlighted, suggesting it’s intractable. Use Levioso to raise it; underneath you’ll find a treasure chest.

Now you can open the chest, which contains the Treasure Seeker’s Bicorne Hat.

Well, well, well, that wasn’t so hard right? We hope not, and if this guide helped you in the slightest, then don’t forget to check out our other  Hogwarts Legacy guides! There are a few other treasure maps out there, so it wouldn’t hurt to have a guide on hand when you need it!

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