Aliens Fireteam Elite Update 1.15 Shoots Out & Fixes Various Issues This Dec. 17

Aliens Fireteam Elite Update 1.15

Following the big Season 2: Point Defense patch earlier this week for Aliens Fireteam Elite, Cold Iron Studios has released the Aliens Fireteam Elite update 1.15 (PS5 version 1.015) patch, and as one might expect, this one is purely for fixes. Check out the Aliens Fireteam Elite patch notes for December 17 below.

Aliens Fireteam Elite Update 1.15 Patch Notes | Aliens Fireteam Elite Update 1.015 Patch Notes:

Patch deployment times may vary by platform. We estimate a release for Steam and Xbox within the next few days, and PlayStation may go out next week.

We are implementing the following changes:

MATCHMAKING Xbox & Game Pass: Fixed an issue where some players had to reset their game to allow matchmaking if their first attempt to matchmake failed.

Xbox & Game Pass: Due to an influx of players that impacted matchmaking, we’ve made improvements and optimizations to make matchmaking easier.

MODIFIED GAMES Updated our modified game check for better consistency. Players running a modified game should receive a message letting them know that they are unable to join multiplayer.

PERKS Resolved an issue where perks were behaving differently for host players vs client players.

UI Fixed an issue where Combat Rating was displaying inaccurately in some screens.

VISUAL Xbox: Implemented a fix that should prevent unintended white flashes on the screen

That seems to be it. If we spot another title update, we’ll be sure to let our readers know ASAP.

Source: Aliens Fireteam Elite

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