ARC Raiders PC Closed Alpha Begins June 29; New Trailer Released

arc raiders pc closed alpha

After the initial announcement last month, Embark Studios has announced that ARC Raiders‘ PC closed alpha will begin on June 29 and run till July 3, with signups for the alpha still open. A new trailer composed out of a mix of cinematics and gameplay has also been released to reflect the game’s new PvPvE direction.

Watch the ARC Raiders closed alpha trailer below:

Embark Studios’ ARC Raiders officially transitioned into a PvPvE shooter last month, though the developer chose to not showcase any new gameplay footage of the current state of the game. The game’s story was described then as follows:

People have fled to the underground colony of Speranza, seeking supplies to survive, and shelter from the machines. Demand for resources is at an all-time high. But getting those resources is a risky job, and it isn’t for everyone. But it is a job for you. That’s why you’ve enlisted as a Raider, scavenging for vital supplies that are scattered across the 5landscape. Everything from leftovers from yesterday’s run-in with ARC to the unlikely remains of a pinball machine. Out there, the stakes are high, and you will have to fight for your loot. Lethal ARC machines roam the surface. And there are no rules in Calabretta, so beware of other Raiders. With the traders in Speranza, trust is hard-earned and easily lost. You need to earn your keep. So don’t come back from a quest empty-handed. When you see another Raider chased by a swarm of ARC drones, do you go in for the kill? Do you lend a helping hand? Or do you hold back and feast on the valuable remains?

Embark Studios also announced a PC closed alpha test for the game that would be held under an NDA. That closed alpha test can be signed up for here, and will run from June 29 till July 3 CET. A release date for the game has still not been announced, though it is slated for release on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.

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