Dark Passenger: New Studio With Veteran CD Projekt RED Talent, Working on New IP

Dark Passenger

Dark Passenger is a new Warsaw-based independent studio, comprised of veteran talent from CD Projekt RED. The studio has been hard at work for two years on a new dark IP based in feudal Japan.

Dark Passenger is currently working on what it describes as a captivating and dark world that is full of mysteries and conflicts in Japan, the Land of Cherry Blossom.

Our goal is to create highly exciting on-line experiences that are focused both on cooperation and rivalry. We’re fascinated by interpersonal interactions, alliances, daring confrontations and unexpected twists of events. In order to make every game unique and surprising, we’re using advanced, procedural solutions. While the goal will be the same for all players, every time achieving it will require a different approach, tactics and taken routes.

The untitled new game is being developed using Unreal Engine 5 and will feather co-op PvP and PvE content. There will be an advanced system of customization in the game as well as a wide variety of weapons, including katanas, kusarigama chains, kunai throwing knives and many more.

The game is now officially in the production process, however, there is no release window in sight as of right now.

Source: Dark Passenger 

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