Lords of the Fallen Change Character Appearance In-Game Being Worked on by Devs, Out Sometime This Year

Lords of the Fallen Update 1.020

One of the most requested features by the Lords of the Fallen community will come to reality before 2023 is over, as HexWorks has confirmed that the Lords of the Fallen change character appearance in-game feature is being worked on.

This was mentioned by the studio as part of today’s big title update.

By popular demand, while it wasn’t included on the initial roadmap released, we’re happy to announce work has begun to allow to re-customize your character’s appearance in-game, currently scheduled to release this side of the New Year. This feature will come with its own mini-quest to unlock it.

While the studio didn’t mark this feature in the recently released roadmap for the action-RPG, it’s a good thing to hear it is being worked on, and will be out before the year is over. HexWorks has been quite steady in patching the game when it comes to bug fixes and improvements, and let’s hope this trend continues.

Lords of the Fallen has already surpassed over one million units sold in just a few days. If you haven’t played the game yet, go read our review here where our own PCM states, “The Umbral mechanic has brought something new to the table, but it’s a shame visits to the other side are limited. Hexworks set a high bar for themselves, and while they didn’t quite reach the heights they were going for, they should be commended for what they have accomplished.”

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