Rumbleverse Update 1.02 Strikes Out for Season 1 This August 18

Rumbleverse Update 1.06

Iron Galaxy has punched out Rumbleverse update 1.02, which introduces Season 1 to the free-to-play game! There’s new content alongside bug fixes in this patch. Read on for what’s new in the 

Rumbleverse Update 1.02 Patch Notes | Rumbleverse Season 1 Patch Notes | Rumbleverse August 18 Patch Notes:

Your career as a Rumbler is all about winning fights and gaining Fame. The Battle Pass will be your track for ranking up and earning rewards you can use to become a true celebrity in the streets – and on the rooftops. Every time you achieve a new level of Fame, you have a chance to earn more of these: 

  • Accessories – mustaches, hairstyles, makeup, shirts, hats, etc. 
  • Title Cards – customizations for your Grapital City ID Card 
  • Emotes – express yourself with dances and gestures 
  • Brawlla Bills – currency to buy things from the Shop 
  • Boosters – earn your Fame faster 

There are several options for amassing fashions and riches from your glorious moments in the Rumble.  

Battle Pass is free to every player, with some rewards to celebrate your exploits. 

Premium Battle Pass is an additional layer of investment and reward for purchase by the dedicated Rumbler who wants to maximize their gains. 

Battle Pass + helps you get a jump on the competition – or get caught up if you’re late to the game. Start your career with the first 20 ranks unlocked. 

As our first post-launch patch for Rumbleverse, we have released an update to address a few key issues with online services.

Patch notes:

  • Fixed an issue to reduce immediate disconnects upon loading into a barge
  • Added a safeguard to cause users to only lose play session progression instead of resetting their entire progression
  • Overall system stability improvements

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