Palworld Update v0.2.3.0 Released for Balance Adjustments and Fixes This April 21

Pocket Pair Inc. has released Palworld update v0.2.3.0, and this includes balance adjustments, bug fixes and even optimization tweaks. For now, the patch is available for PC only, with the Xbox version getting it “soon.” Read on for the complete patch notes below straight from the studio.

Patch Notes:

Balance Adjustment
・The electric egg incubator now has increased hatching speed. Hatches at 1.5 times the normal rate!

・Optimized the processing load on dedicated servers

Bug Fixes
・You can now pet some pals that could not be pet due to a bug that prevented the “pet” option from working correctly
・Fixed an issue where base pals would sometimes collide with each other on dedicated servers
・[Xbox version only] Fixed an issue where the “Option to show/hide Journey” and “Option to change the scale of damage text numbers” were not working
・Fixed other minor bugs

That’s about it. For the other bug fixes, expect another patch to be released in the coming weeks.

For the rest of the game updates released last week and the other days, head on over here.

Source: Steam

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