God of War Ragnarok Endgame Guide – What to Do After Ragnarok

If you’ve been playing God of War Ragnarok since it came out, chances are you’ve beaten it or are close to beating it already. While the game doesn’t feature multiplayer of any kind, it does feature a ton of content outside of the main story that adds tremendous value to it overall. We’re here to guide the players on what to do after Ragnarok has passed in our God of War Ragnarok endgame guide!

Needless to say, we won’t care about spoilers in this article, given we are discussing stuff with the main story already finished. If you want to turn away, now’s the time. 

God of War Ragnarok Endgame Guide:

See The “True” Ending

With Odin now finally defeated, there is still one thing left to do. Attend the funeral of Brok (as the game suggests you to do). Head to Svartalfheim and meet Durlin in the bar with the rest of the characters to start the quest line. Enjoy the final scene, and watch the credits roll. Congrats, you’ve officially completed the main story in God of War Ragnarok! But wait, there’s so much more left to do!

Head Back to Sindri’s House and Talk to Ratatoskr

The next thing you should do is to return to Sindri’s house. Why? If you’re looking for 100% completion or the Platinum trophy, you’ll need the seed to travel to some of the locked gateways and realms. Some of those locked gateways have flowers to collect and mini-bosses to fight, so better to get this seed right away rather than later. 

Visit Niflheim, The Prison Awaits

Upon completing the game, you’ll be given a new mission dubbed “The Last Remnants of Asgard.” This mission tasks you with hunting down the last remaining Einherjar soldiers that are still loyal to Odin, and upon beating them, they’ll drop unique resources and a scroll. Each scroll mentions a location where the Einherjar will be, but one common one amongst the scrolls is the mention of a prison in Niflheim. 

This new area is only accessible once you’ve beaten the game. To get there, travel to The Raven’s gateway in Niflheim, and right before going to where all Odin’s crows are, you’ll see a new pathway going left that you can go to. Trust us, you will want to explore everything there as there is a hidden surprise waiting for you. 

Visit the Mist Fields of Niflheim

With the seed collected from Ratatoskr, you’ll now be able to visit the Mist Fields in Niflheim. Here you’ll find a Berserker gravestone and one of the nine realms’ flowers. However, upon defeating the Berserker and traveling back to the gateway, you’ll get yet another surprise encounter. 

Fast Travel to The Canyon Mystic Gateway in Alfeim

Fast travel to this gateway, and enjoy what happens when you head out to the desert. 

Fast Travel to Sanctuary Grove in Midgard and Visit Chaurli

Don’t be like Freya, make sure to pop in and say hi to Chaurli every now and then. 

God of War Ragnarok Endgame Guide - What to Do After Ragnarok

Unlock and Travel to Jotunheim

Once again, using the seed you got from Ratatoskr you can now unlock Jotunheim and visit it as Kratos. Enjoy!

Finish Everything Else

From here, you should be good to start doing all the side quests and collecting all the collectibles. I recommend you start doing this once you’ve at least completed the prison in Niflheim, as the surprise awaiting you there will also begin appearing in the other realms. Better to encounter them while you are doing side activities rather than backtrack later. 

Otherwise, go take on the crucible and find all the optional bosses. Everything else (we may have missed some other missable stuff) should be obtainable via mission log. 

Play The Game Again, But Save All The Side Quests Until the Very End

As we reported previously, if you want to get everything out of God of War Ragnarok in terms of story and lore, then you’ll need to at least playthrough the game at least twice. Or, at least the side missions, which you could technically hold off on until the very final mission. 

You can make two manual saves at this point, and either continue with the story, or do all the side quests. If you choose the latter, you’ll experience almost everything you can with Atreus still in the party. However, if you wait until you beat the game, you can experience all the side quests with Freya instead. 

While their objectives don’t change, both Atreus and Freya offer different lines of dialogue during each sidequest, with Kratos also having different ones depending on who he does them with. It’s small, but nonetheless neat, and may make the journey through these missions well worth it for the extra lore. 

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1 year ago

Hello! Thank you for this guide!

I just defeated the Berserker in the Mist Fields, but I didn’t get a surprise encounter on the way back to the gate. Any ideas what I’m doing wrong? Thanks again!

Reply to  Nick
1 year ago

that’s odd. you should have heard someone crying

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