Hogwarts Legacy: The Tale of Rowland Oakes Quest – Where to Find Rowland Oakes

where to find rowland oakes hogwarts legacy

Having trouble deciphering the map and finding out where Rowland Oakes is in Hogwarts Legacy? Well, we got you covered, as this guide will show you exactly where to find Rowland Oakes in Hogwarts Legacy!

Where to Find Rowland Oakes in Hogwarts Legacy

If you’re going around and completing all the sidequests around Hogwarts school, eventually, you’ll come across a side quest called “The Tale of Rowland Oakes.” Adelaide Oakes, a classmate, would like you to check up on her uncle Rowland, a metal trader who frequently works with the goblin community. 

She’ll ask you to visit his campsite, which is marked on the map for you. Head over to this location, and you’ll come across a group of goblins you must defeat. After that, you’ll need to search the camp for Rowland’s whereabouts. There is a map in the back with clues about where he might be.

Not the most detailed of maps, especially given the size of the world. However, looking at the map, we can see a river running through it, with some landmarks along the river. The starting point is the camp you’re at. With this in mind, you can open up your map. You’ll want to follow the river heading North East. The exact path is shown below.

You should have your broom by this point, so fly there; otherwise, expect to face off against some resistance on the way. 

Once you arrive, you’ll be at a goblin outpost, and as it turns out, Rowland has been taken prisoner by the goblins. Fight your way through, free Rowland, and report to Adelaide for your reward. 

Congrats, you’ve found Rowland and completed the “The Tale of Rowland Oakes” questline. Before you leave, don’t forget to check out our other Hogwarts Legacy guides!

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