Lords of the Fallen Vigor Farming Guide Offers Over 220K an Hour

Are you looking to level up quickly in Lords of the Fallen but can’t seem to find a good spot? Well, lucky for you, as players have discovered a very early game Vigor Farming spot for Lords of the Fallen that requires little effort but some patience. 

As discovered by Reddit user and YouTuber SiahZ, below you’ll find a short but detailed guide to farming over 220K of vigor an hour in Lords of the Fallen. 

Lords of the Fallen Vigor Farming Method (Early Game):

Step 1: Have the Pilgrim’s Perch Bellroom Vistage Unlocked

The first and most important thing is to have this Vistage unlocked. It’ll make things easier, as the location to farm the Vigor is next to this. It should be the fifth or sixth major Vistage in the game. If you are only starting, you must progress a bit, with the first boss beaten. 

Step 2: Clear Enemies 

Once you’ve unlocked the Bellroom Vistage, you will want to look to the left of it. You should see a tall enemy with a spikey helmet. Kill them, and move on to the next area, where you will see a caster. Kill them also, and if you look, there should be a ladder nearby. Climb it and kill the last caster here. You want to do this before the next step, as leaving them alive will cause issues later. 

Step 3: Enter Umbral World and Wait for the Red Reaper to Spawn


Once you’ve killed the caster while staying up on top of this platform, enter the Umbral world. This is important because you need the Vigor modifier to maximize gains. You can either wait on top of this platform until it has reached times three, or you can roam around the area for a bit and farm some enemies. But don’t go too far, as once the Vigor modifier reaches times three, you will want to be back in the same area with the casters as the Red Reaper will spawn. It has a red glow on the ground that tracks the player and will pop out to attack you. The Red Reaper does a ton of damage if you aren’t equipped, but defeating one gives you plenty of Vigor. 

Step 4: Cheese the Red Reaper, Farm Enemies, Cheese the Red Reaper, Rinse and Repeat

You will want the Red Reaper to be above the ground in this spot. Once it is, take the bone path on the right and make your way across the left side onto a wooden plank overlooking the platform. 

The Red Reaper should have trouble following you to this spot if you do it correctly. Now, you move back a little to get the Red Reaper on the right side. It will do a lung attack, and if positioned right, the Red Reaper will fall to its death, leaving a pile of Vigor to collect. 

Now, all you do is traverse the area, killing enemies that spawn. You will get three times the Vigor thanks to the modifier, and after three minutes, the Red Reaper will spawn again, and you can rinse and repeat the process for as long as you want. 

You can watch a video guide of it if that makes it easier.

Interestingly, this was an area I used to farm for Vigor during the review process, though I never considered exploiting the Red Reaper like SiahZ has done. I’d just go back to the Vestige and respawn all the enemies again. This is, by far, a faster method, and if not, the fastest in the game so far. Even high-level players who are near the endgame can benefit from this method. 

Of course, many may frown upon this, though we say this should help those struggling. Speaking of struggling, be sure to check out our  Lords of the Fallen guides. We have some detailed early boss guides, as well as the best settings to play the game on, and more!

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