Alan Wake 2 Game Length Set at Around 20 Hours; Alan in “Better Shape” to Dodge Attacks

alan wake 2 game length

Alan Wake 2’s game length sits at around 20 hours to complete, according to a recent interview with Remedy Entertainment. It will also feature a more physically fit Alan that’s “in a bit better shape” than the previous game, which could improve how he dodges attacks in the sequel.

The interview was held by Thomas Puha, Communications Director at the game studio. While only briefly mentioned, Puha stated that the game “currently” takes 20 hours to finish:

With the two intertwined campaigns, can you discuss roughly how long Alan Wake 2 will take to complete?

It depends on your skills, but currently (and the game is not quite done yet because a lot of the content is still going in), we’re looking at over 20 hours.

It’s worth stressing that the 20-hour estimate is based on “current” content, and with more to be added as development progresses, it may end up taking longer to finish upon release.

Puha also talked briefly about dodging in Alan Wake 2, and how he hopes that it now feels “a lot better” than the previous game.

Does the dodging work the same as in the first Alan Wake, or is it going to feel different?

Hopefully, it’ll feel a lot better. But yeah, it does work the same way, though the good thing is that Alan isn’t out of breath constantly, so he’s in a bit better shape. Of course, being an FBI agent, Saga is pretty handy with combat.

While the statement is quite vague, it does confirm that dodging works just like it does in the original Alan Wake game, albeit with a more physically fit Alan.

Alan Wake 2 creeps out this October 17, 2023 on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

Source: Wccftech

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