Armored Core 6 Gameplay Features 12 Minutes of Action and Introduces Us to the Game

Armored Core 6 Gameplay

FromSoftware and Bandai Namco have today released a new Armored Core 6 gameplay video and this one features 12 minutes of action.

Prepare to see how movement/flight works, as well as engaging multiple hostiles at once. It’s no Dark Souls, but the combat looks be both tactical and action-packed. In addition to that, there are also story elements featured in the video, and how they meld with the gameplay aspect of Armored Core 6.

As the video showcases, success in ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON will come from tinkering with highly customizable mech builds, a signature feature of the series, and learning the right strategies and techniques such as staggering enemies with the right weapons, combining ranged and melee attacks, and taking every advantage in battle.

While it’s definitely not close to how Elden Ring plays, Armored Core 6 looks to be shaping up quite nicely.

Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon launches on August 25 for Xbox Series X|S, PS5, and PC.

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