BattleBit Remastered Console Version Not Off the Table, Progression Gaps to Be Filled With New Weapons, More Revealed in AMA

BattleBit Remastered Console

With BattleBit Remastered now a certified muti-million seller, the developers aren’t resting on their laurels, as the just held an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on Reddit, where they talked about a BattleBit Remastered console port, progression gaps, the development process of the game, and loads more.

Read on for the complete AMA below with all answers supplied by TheLiquidHorse, which is a verified BattleBit Remastered dev.

BattleBit Remastered AMA Q&A:

Q: Are you still planning on adding FaceIt anti-cheat to the game?

A: yes, but we are working a lot with faceit to remove all the painful things and make it as easy to run as EAC

Q: Did you build the networking and server architecture from scratch? Have you created the matchmaking system yourself or is it a 3rd party solution?

A: everything was build from scratch, there is no suitable solution out there for what we are doing

Q: What are the dev team’s thoughts on the pacing of unlocks? Some classes at present could go 10s of hours without seeing new weapons. Would splitting XP into levels per class, rather than an overall profile level, address this?

A: we will definitely revisit the progression down the line and fill the gaps with new weapons

Q: Any plans to keep this running on the steam deck? Or this won’t be possible with the planned switch in anti-cheat?

A: we still plan to support EAC and Steamdeck Users, dont worry we will keep you all in mind

Q: Were you guys expecting this kind of popularity or this is even beyond your wildest dreams?

A: not at all, this is just wild. i don’t even think anyone of us has realised what we actually have done now

Q: Will we be able to change our ADS FOV at some point?

A: we are considering it

Q: Any plans on encouraging more roles being picked? Everyone plays medic because it has fast leveling. I would like to play medic, because I enjoy playing the role in other games, but each squad is 80% medics, so I don’t feel useful at all.

A: yes, we will give all other roles a buff down the line and make them more viable in combat

Q: Any insight on new maps?

A: id recommend taking a close look to the update feed this weekend

Q: What are a couple of lessons you’ve learned from your time working on Battlebit when it comes to approaching challenges?

A: the more you fuck around, the more you find out

Q: Do you think there is anything that the Battlefield devs could learn from you?

A: we are just some newbies in this field, the devs prob know things way better then we do. What happened in the last few years there wasn’t their fault, i think they would still be able to deliver an absolute stunner of a Battlefield if they would have the time and freedom

Q: This game is freaking awesome, love it to the last bit, i so badly Wish for balaclavas or masks tho!

A: more armors are coming down the line

Q: any plans on a ghillie suit?

A: there is one as sniper, at least partially

Q: Stupid question, is there a way to turn down the friendly indicators? The fact that I can see all 128 on my team, even though the player is too far away for me to see, makes it too busy for me to have much fun.

A: We know of this but all attempts to introduce an option for this tanked the performance. Maybe in the future

Q: One of the greatest things that I’ve seen that’s rather unique about this game is the way people are acting. I’ve found people are a lot more positive, forgiving, and willing to just roll with rp. Any idea why the community developed like that?

A: we actively ban people that bring the heavy slurs to the table, i think that helps a lot already

Q: Any ideas to encourage more team/squad play rather than zerg?

A: Milsim Gamemode will definitely enforce it, but for the casual side there will be only slight changes to encourage it more

Q: I am loving Battlebit right now! I’m curious, is it possible to have a larger mode than 254 players or is that the max the game and servers can handle?

A: our server infrastructure sadly wouldn’t support that

Q: Any chance we’ll get servers in South Africa? Your net code is great btw – somehow playing effectively with 200 ping!

A: not from official side for now

Q: Great game, absolutely having a blast. The weekly communications are great and you guys seem to really be building the game you wanna build.

A: much love for your support <3

Q: What games inspired you to make this? Obviously Battlefield is a big one but I feel I can also see some inspiration from Red Orchestra/Rising Storm games so I’m curious to see which shooters inspired you

A: Battlefield, Squad, Insurgency, HLL, Ace of Spades ….basically anything FPS, they all have some great things to them

Q: Mod Support?

A: We will allow some degree of modability with the community servers, but a full steam workshop is not possible. The game was never build for it

Q: With how wildly successful the game has become, what are you planning to spend all the money you’re making on? Any bright orange Lamborghinis in your future?

A: the game.

​Majority of it will stay with the game, we will only take a small portion to make this a living now. I’m a big car enthusiast but sportscars will still remain a dream

Q: Love the game! One thing I’m missing is vehicles in the practice range, is there anything coming on that front? I find the helicopter controls a bit hard to get a grasp on and I feel bad crashing and burning in public lobbies. I’d love a way to practice them in a way that doesn’t annoy other people lol.

A: Vehicles were made completely server side, bringing them to the local shooting range requires a total overall. This is sadly a little beyond our scope currently

Q: Maps are great but with the current voting system we see the same maps, any idea to increase maps? Perhaps offer less maps per vote? Or put them in buckets so lesser played maps get a chance to be played

A: we will address this in the future

Q: Any plans to make armor more viable? As it stands health is king because it can be regenerated infinitely while armor is completely gone after a few hits. This leads to a medic meta.

A: there will be an overhaul down the line

Q: ETA on loadouts in menus?

A: not yet sadly

Q: Congratulations on your success. Is there any takeaways that other indy developers can adopt for their games? Did you engage in many twitch streamers or you tubers to promote the game or has the growth in sales been more organic and based more on word of mouth or media?

A: all word of mouth.

If you work with streamers, just be open, cool and available. that already works wonders.

About making games: don’t make multiplayer games as your first one

Q: Are there any plans to add music/sound effects to the main menu?

A: yes, the track is already done, just lacking the time in implementing it

Q: Any thoughts or plans for a gun master/gun game mode in the future?

A: gun game is in the game, but only in the 16v16

Q: What is the reaction of you & your team selling 1.8+ million copies of the game?

What do you think separates BattleBit from AAA titles like CoD & Battlefield? Your team has surely showed there is success to be had from indie teams competing against multi million dollar franchises.

A: it is pretty insane, i think just the fact that we don’t take our self to serious helps with this

Q: Which class and weapon is your favourite? Nerf Vector? 😉 (also I would really like a minimap)

A: im a Sniper and i love the REM700

Q; I love the game, my only real complaint is the steep, steep grind wall to get functional unlocks. I’ve got 25 hours in, and weapon unlocks have been painfully slow. I got literally all the functional unlocks for the AK-74 before I even unlocked the next rifle in the list. Is there any plan to tweak the grind at all?

A: yes, we will fill the gaps with new content

Q: Any idea if Battlebit will get a Mode like Battlefields 1 “Operations” Mode you know “Frontlines” with better maps , huuge reinforcement vehicles for the attackers and stuff ( not the weird massacred mode they name “Operations” in BFV )

A: we are definitely planning to introduce more gamemodes in the future

Q: At what point in development did you really think “holy shit we got something here”?

A: pretty much after our playtest blew up, but still to this day cant really put my finger on what it is exactly

Q: Will there be more factions added?

A: the option exists, but the effort is massive and only suitable far down the line

Q: Do you have any plans to add a melee attack into the game?

A: theres the sledgehammer

Q: Any fix for HUD on teammate tag? Seeing 100+ gets easily confusing and annoying to see.

A: all options to fix that, that we came up with so far, just tanked the performance. Still at the drawing board to find a good solution

Q: Do you have any opinion on what the Battlefront games do right vs do wrong and how that allows Battlebit to grow? Or do you see Battlebit’s success as an independent event, seperate from anything to do with similar games?

A: i would never say that we do things better and our success is because of someone else misery.

Our goal at any time was to create a fun game that we would enjoy playing.
we are just glad that there is so many that also enjoy what we did

Q: What weapons are you guys planning to add in the near future?

A: secret 🙂

Q: A mini map is in the near future maybe? Love the game btw. Do wish it was more colorful but it’s still a freaking blast! Thank you for it and this

A: Minimap is not planned

Q: Will there be official controller support?

A: controllers dont have enough buttons for all inputs. so we will stick with partial for now

Q: How long will we be waiting for a hardcore mode?

A: a while, there is still some other things we want to push out before that

Q: Curious if you guys are planning on doing anything with interiors? Some interiors looks very flat due to the lack of lighting and it messes with depth perception.

I’m assuming no dynamic lighting so performance doesn’t tank?

A: yes, down the line they will get a touchup

Q: Hey there, I emailed you the other day but figured I’d ask here. I’m the director of Amid Evil VR and we brought the original game to VR for New Blood Interactive. Any chance you’d let my team bring your game to Quest, SteamVR, and PSVR2? We’re big fans and have been playing the hell out of BattleBit daily!

A: we dont plan to bring the game to VR, this would just be something for the sake of making money. There would be no enjoyment in playing VR. its just to much chaos

Q: I know this is /pcgaming but I have friend who only use consoles who i’d love to play with. Do you have any plans to eventually port this to consoles?

A: right now not really, for us the experience matters. Currently we wouldn’t be able to deliver the same experience on console, until we are at this point we wont see a console release.

Q: Will the game ever come to consoles?

A: possibly, but that will take a while still

Q: When is the KRISS Vector getting removed from the game?

A: never, but nerf might be a thing soon

Q: From a technical standpoint, what’s server optimization been like for you

A: hell

Q: Love the game! Could we get the ability to bind free look separately from the right click in the Little Bird? Currently I can’t spool up the guns and turn at the same time.

A: already on our to-do list

In case you didn’t know, a new game update was released last week, which you can read about here.

Once the studio reveals anything new about BattleBit Remastered, we’ll let our readers know.

Source: Reddit

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