Diablo 4 Beta Rewards Include Redeemable Titles and Cosmetic at Launch; Playable Classes Also Revealed

diablo 4 beta rewards

With Diablo 4’s Open Beta recently announced, Blizzard’s providing more and more information on the upcoming test weekends. In particular, we now know the Diablo 4 Open Beta classes that players will be able to try out, as well as launch rewards for players that join the playtests.

For participating in the Open Beta, you’ll also receive a few rewards when the game launches, including two titles and a cosmetic item. Note that you can’t just get the title and cosmetic by simply logging in—you’ll need to progress through the game in order to nab them. Here are all three rewards:

  • Initial Casualty Title: earned by reaching Kyovashad with one character.
  • Early Voyager Title: earned by reaching Level 20 on one character.
  • Beta Wolf Pack Cosmetic Item: earned by reaching Level 20 on one character.

Of the classes coming to Diablo 4, three will be available to try out during Open Beta: Barbarian, Rogue, and Sorcerer.

During the Early Access weekend, players will have access to three classes. Assume the role of the battle-bred Barbarian, nimble Rogue, or elementally tuned Sorcerer. Once the Open Beta weekend comes around, the earthen Druid and undead-wielding Necromancer classes can also be played in addition to the original three.

You’ll also be able to make up to 10 characters per Battle.net account. The level cap during Open Beta is 25, so you’ll have plenty of character slots to try the other classes with once you’ve maxed out. It’s also worth mentioning that while progress carries over between Open Beta weekends, all characters will be deleted come launch.

While the Open Beta weekends won’t last for very long, they’re great opportunities to try the game out early and nab some sweet rewards in the process. The beta weekends will run from March 17 to 19 and March 24 to 26.

Source: Blizzard

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