Hogwarts Legacy Potions Guide – How to Collect Ingredients and Brew Potions

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Potions are a key component in many fantasy games, and Hogwarts Legacy gives players a more involved approach when it comes to brewing them. You have to take an actual class in Hogwarts to unlock the feature, and once you do so, you’ll be able to create various potions for healing, buffs, and more.

This Hogwarts Legacy potions guide will cover the basics of potion brewing, giving you a general idea of how to get started with them. It won’t cover every potion in the game but rather introduce the system itself as well as give you a couple of tips on how to get the ingredients you need.

Hogwarts Legacy Potions Guide

How Do You Brew Potions in Hogwarts Legacy?

To actually brew potions in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll need to keep playing through the main quests until you unlock the feature, as is the case with many of the game’s other systems. At a certain point, you’ll be tasked to attend the Potions class by Professor Sharp, who will guide you through the potion-making process.

Brewing a potion is actually extremely straightforward. All you have to do is select the type of potion you want to make, and as long as you have the required ingredients, the potion will start brewing on its own. You don’t need to do anything yourself, like stir the pot or prepare the ingredients.

Each potion has a brewing time, and this determines how long it takes before the potion is ready to use. The brewing time is in real-world time (unless in game menu, which pauses it), not game time, so you can tend to other things while you wait for the potions to finish.

Once you’ve earned enough Galleons by playing the game, you can purchase more potion recipes in Hogsmeade.

Where Can I Brew Potions?

There are two main areas where you can brew potions. The first location you unlock is the place where you originally learned how to make potions in your Potions class. This area is a little out of the way, however, so it can be a bit of a chore to head on over there all the time.

Fortunately, once you continue through the main quests and eventually unlock the Room of Requirement, you’ll be able to readily brew potions at a faster rate. When you unlock the Room of Requirement, you’ll be able to build your own Potions Stations via spellcrafting.

Note that when you initially unlock the Room of Requirement, you’ll only have access to the basic Potions Stations. Larger stations will require the relevant spellcraft recipes that you can buy at Hogsmeade.

How Do I Collect Ingredients?

Ingredients for potions can be found all over the map, and there are multiple ways of obtaining them. The quickest way would be to buy ingredients directly from The Magic Neep; the vendor offers mature ingredients ready for potion-making, but you’ll need to spend Galleons to get them, so keep that in mind if you’re trying to save up for something else. 

Another method of obtaining ingredients would be by simply exploring the area around Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. The open area is full of ingredients, and you can easily spot them thanks to their goofy movements or unique sounds.

Finally, you can generate a somewhat steady supply of ingredients via Herbology by planting ingredients yourself. Doing so does take real-world time, just like potion-making, but it’s great in the sense that you can guarantee what ingredients you’ll get, and you don’t have to spend much on seed packets, either. Check out our Herbology guide for more information on the subject.

With the help of potions, you can keep yourself healthy, protect yourself from enemies, and even dish out some extra damage when necessary. Though brewing itself is simple, you’ll need to work for your ingredients, so consider gathering whatever you come across during your travels between Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. For more Hogwarts Legacy content, click here.

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1 year ago

The brewing time isn’t real world time, opening the menu stops the timer.

Reply to  FutureVegeta
1 year ago

We’ll amend that, you’re right pausing does stop the timer

Daniel Eaton
1 year ago

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