Latest Modern Warfare 3 PC Update Separates Cheaters From Legitimate Players

Modern Warfare 3 may not be completely rid of cheaters on the PC, but Infinity Ward is taking steps to separate those who cheat from those who play legitimately.

In the latest MW3 PC patch 1.19, the notes read, “added security measures to prevent our legitimate players from matching with players that are known cheaters and hackers.” This should come as good news to those still playing the title on the PC.

Within the first 24 hours of release, players have already reported the presence of aim bots in the PC version of Black Ops 2. This goes to show that there are those out there dedicated to hacking Call of Duty titles as quickly as possible. If it can’t be ultimately stopped, perhaps Treyarch could implement a similar system, if they haven’t done so already.

Rockstar Games did something similar with Max Payne 3 by creating a “cheater pool” that confines all known cheaters to one playlist, separating them from legitimate players.

Are you still playing Modern Warfare 3 on the PC? What would you say is the current state of hacking and cheating?

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