Lords of the Fallen Developers Feels Soulslike Genre Is Saturated

lords of the fallen gameplay

The launch and popularity of Demon’s Souls and then Dark Souls pioneered a new RPG genre, resulting in the emergence of several Soulslike games worldwide. The developers of Lords of the Fallen are worried that their game might get overshadowed by the overabundance of Soulslike titles.

Speaking with PCGamesN, Creative Director Cezar Virtuso and Art Director, Alexandre Chaudret expressed concerns about the genre’s saturation. However, they seemed confident in the fact that when executed properly, any game can stand out.

Yes, we are worried. But at the same time if we’re true to ourselves and dig deep into our well, no one is going to reach the depths that we have reached.

It’s worrying in the sense that we want to succeed from a business standpoint, but I think players are not at all against just having more good games. If we do a good game, people will be super happy. It’s our job to make it as good as possible and then it will stand out because they will just like what they are playing.

The developers added that these games are highly dependent on their level design and combat, and that is where they have put in the most work. They have created two completely intertwined worlds which are accessible to players at all times, and are easily traversable by using a special lantern.

The added twist to the level design will encourage players to revisit the worlds, as they are sure to miss certain aspects during their initial exploration. The combat has also been greatly improved as more weight has been added to it. The developers want players to feel like they are in this dark, hopeless, lived-in world, trying to survive.

The Soulslike genre is indeed saturated but as the developers themselves mentioned, if the game is good, people will give it a chance. Here’s hoping that Lords of the Fallen lives up to its promise when it arrives on October 13, 2023 on Xbox Series X|S, PS5 and PC.

Source: PCGamesN

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