Lords of the Fallen Update 1.041 for v1.1.637 Released for Multiplayer Fixes and More

Lords of the Fallen Update 1.041

HexWorks has pushed out Lords of the Fallen update 1.041, which includes various fixes related to multiplayer, the game’s visuals, UI and more. The developers call this LOTF update v1.1.637, and the official patch notes are available below.

Lords of the Fallen Update 1.041 Patch Notes for March 27:


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the host’s input to become unresponsive after interacting with an Emergecny Effigy while a coop partner triggered a cinematic.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Blessed Reflections spell to work properly for an invader in Crimson Rituals.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Infernal Hounds spell to work properly for an invader in Crimson Rituals.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Seared Soul spell to work properly for an invader in Crimson Rituals.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed invaders to deal wither damage to the host immediately after transitioning to Umbral.


  • Fixed an issue in the character creator that wrongly stated Face Texture instead of Fine Tuning.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Umbral Distortion effects to get reactivated unexpectedly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused certain menu items to get highlighted wrongly when using a mouse.
  • Fixed an issue with Tincts that allowed players to use the “Apply to all” function even when no Tinct was selected.


  • Fixed an issue that caused Umbral objects to load in visibly while traversing through Forsaken Fen.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Umbral objects to load in visibly while traversing through Forsaken Fen.


  • Balancing pass to auto-adjust values for Crimson Rituals once a matchup has started. This change will balance out stats of characters of different power levels to create a fairer PVP experience.
  • Added a missing hazard volume to the small lava pool in front of the Vestige of the Bloody Pilgrim.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a prolonged hitch to appear after siphoning an Umbral Parasite in the boss encounter with Blessed Carrion Knight Sanisho.

From our count, this is the fifth patch for Lords of the Fallen released this month! You can check out the other patches for LOTF, right here.

Once HexWorks releases another patch, or if there’s a new roadmap released, we’ll let our readers know.

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