Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone UAV Bug Finally Acknowledged by Devs Alongside Other S4 Reloaded Patch Issues

modern warfare 2 uav bug

Earlier today, Infinity Ward released the big Season 4 Reloaded patch for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone that ushered in new content, alongside a host of gameplay fixes and improvements. For those who were hoping that the Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone UAV bug has been fixed, that sadly, isn’t the case.

However, there is a small ray of sunshine amid the dark clouds, as Infinity Ward has finally acknowledged the issue. This was confirmed to be something the devs are looking into via the game’s official Trello board along with other issues that surfaced with the S4 patch.


  • We’re aware of an issue where the UAV Killstreak can sometimes behave like an Advanced UAV, showing Player dot movement.
  • We’re investigating an issue where selecting ‘View Map’ in the Battle Pass Map opens the Firing Range for some Players.
  • We’re investigating reports of reduced performance for some PC Players.

Alongside the items listed above, Infinity Ward has announced that the “Play Again” feature has been disabled in Rotation Resurgence while an issue is being investigated.

The studio also announced that Champion’s Quest is not enabled for Vondel Battle Royale with Season 4 Reloaded, and it will instead be released in Season 5.

There have also been released today (via server-side patches) that reduces the Temp V drop rate across all battle royale modes and Plunder, as well as a fix for player momentum when dropping out of a plane during the initial match infil.

I have to admit, the fact that the dreaded Modern Warfare 2 UAV bug hasn’t been fixed in today’s patch is kind of worrying. I mean, this is a game-breaking bug that necessitates the need for every class loadout to use the Ghost perk.

For those unaware of the bug, it essentially makes your standard UAV killstreak act like an Advanced UAV since it constantly shows where you are in the map. This means that in most multiplayer matches, the first team to get a UAV will win since that team will be able to pinpoint each and every location of the opposing team (which means someone else on the same team will get a UAV, and so on).

Hopefully a new patch (be it server-side or client-side) is released soon to fix it.

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