Modern Warfare No Weapons Spawn Bug and Mid-Air Spawns Are Apparently a Thing


Possibly one of the biggest complaints players had with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer at launch was how bad the spawns were. While Infinity Ward has been tweaking it in almost every game update they release, it’s still not in a place where it needs to be. Unfortunately, new spawn bugs/issues seem to have crawled their way into the game, and they’re not pretty. There’s now multiple videos of a Modern Warfare no weapon spawn bug that leaves you defenseless.

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Yes, that’s a bummer, right? Well, it seems that’s not the only Modern Warfare spawn issue introduced after the latest patch. Players have reported that they’ve respawned in mid-air too!

Spawning mid-air right in front of enemy team is the true MW experience from modernwarfare

We’re hoping these issues will be addressed ASAP via a server-side hotfix, or with a new patch.

If you’ve experienced something similar, send us an email so that the community — and in turn, the devs — are aware of it.

More Modern Warfare Reading:

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