Modern Warfare Update March 3 Rolled Out

modern warfare april 22 update

Heads up! Infinity Ward has released a server-side Call of Duty: Modern Warfare update! This one isn’t just a playlist update, but includes fixes as well. Check out the Modern Warfare update March 3 patch notes below.

Same as any server-side update, players will be prompted with a download bar before they can proceed to the main menu.

Modern Warfare update March 3 patch notes:


  • Shoot the Ship 24/7 (replaces Dirty Old House Boat)
  • 3v3 Gunfight (replaces Gunfight 3v3 Snipers Only)
  • 1v1 Me Bro – all Gunfight maps. Includes an always-on UAV and the ability to hear enemy players speaking
  • Boots on the Ground War – updated to regular Ground War with no tanks and removing Realism rules.
  • Removed Giant Infection



  • Sped up sprint out time
  • New attachments available through challenges!
    • New .41 AE caliber change for increased damage and range
    • New Uzi Carbine Pro Barrel for increased range and bullet velocity

PC: Fixed a bug where the shaders status bar would read as paused in the UI even though the shaders were continuing to install in the background

CoD Caster:

  • Fixed a bug where killfeed colors would become inverted
  • Added a way to see when a player has activated Dead Silence
  • In CDL Domination, the round transition screen would display “Team Wins” instead of “Switching Sides” when the first round ends. This has been fixed.

Our patch notes from 2/25 contained weapon notes that did not actually make it into update itself. The below changes are now live as of today:

  • Increased close and mid-range damage for the AK 5.45x39mm round mags
  • Reduced recoil to the SA87 12.4 Factory Barrel

If we spot any stealth changes included in this update, we’ll be sure to let our readers know.

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