Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord Update 1.14 for Sept. 18 Brings v1.1.6

Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord Update 1.18

Talesworlds has released Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord update 1.14, which is for the game’s v1.1.6 patch! This brings various fixes to single-player and multiplayer, with the official Mount & Blade 2 patch notes for September 18 listed below.

Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord Update 1.14 Patch Notes | Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord Update v1.1.6 Patch Notes:



  • Fixed a crash that occurred when updating the total played time.


  • Fixed a bug that caused crafted weapons’ weight to increase after loading a save.



  • Fixed a crash that occurred when opening a kick poll immediately after a new player joined the session.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred on the lobby screen when confirming two consecutive exit popups.
  • Fixed a server crash that occurred due to an AI targeting issue.

That’s about it. If a new patch is pushed out, we’ll let our readers know.

Source; Steam

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7 months ago

I played more than 150h on the game and I love it! I noticed that there are new parts of the map.. still no civilisations or towns on it though. Will there be an update with maybe new civilisations? Cheers

Reply to  Souf
7 months ago

Not sure what a civilisation is….doesn’t sound very civilized though 😂

7 months ago

They should update the ps4 version the game had been out for months and on oc for years and when i play longer than 45 to 1hr the whole game crashes this has been an issue sinds the release for the console and the had time enough to fix it they foz so Manny things except this problem and when i contact them about this they cant do anything about it they made money of this game but fixing real problems is to hard to do

Reply to  Dirk
7 months ago

Hey friend, maybe it’s because I have the Ps4 Pro, bit it works great on my system since I bought the game. It crashed a few time but I have played sometimes 20+ hours straight.

7 months ago

Wish they would do something for the females I would like to marry the females without them leaving my clan and would welcome new clan members extra loot Extra family members 😀 everyone wins

7 months ago

224 hours here and still playing, y’all really have got to think about adding construction, where you can actually build an entirely new town or castle in an open space, as well as updating the borders, while you may get the towns and villages y’all should make it tk where if you zoom out the entire map will be color coded based on map territory if that makes sense

7 months ago

And what would really be cool is adding a crown for players to wear once they get enough renown or something, or maybe when you reach 10k influence and your the leader clan of a kingdom, a little courier comes and gives you a crown, or at least have the option to build one in the smithing thing

7 months ago

Could I ask that you add more social elements to the game? I am not asking for a Sims, but just more randomized options for, such as making an alliance with a rival clan?

More options mainly on how to strategies a war. Could you make suggestions to the leaders of other armies, or even collaborate and make plans to conquer involved with the clans…

It’s just chaos, although I absolutely love it!

I believe you could do this very simply as well….too much and it would make it unplayable.

Just add extra options to strategize.

Reply to  Alex
7 months ago

Would be kind of cool to make plans at the keep and then if they obey them or not would be about loyalty, and rare betrayals would be great, kind of like the rebels, but allow the rebels to ally with the rival factions they are at war with.

7 months ago

Damn thought this was an actual update. IG the big one is still in beta smh

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