New Modern Warfare 3 Hacks: AC-130 Glitch and Stat Reset “Derank” Lobbies

It seems that hackers have found a new way to ruin Modern Warfare 3. Last year, MW3 was hacked with infected lobbies, but those hacks were addressed swiftly by Infinity Ward. Since then, no major hacks have reported by players, except for some glitches every now and then.

In the last two days, a new hack has surfaced that enables hackers to glitch the AC130 into making the player invincible, god-mode if you will. Unfortunately, it doesn’t end there. If you get into modded lobbies, then there’s a chance for hackers to derank your profile . We’ll have more on how to avoid this later.

Robert Bowling warned Modern Warfare 3 players on Twitter, “Do not accept game invites or join Private Matches from any player you don’t know & trust in MW3. There are dirtbags up to dirtbag things.”

You can see this new hack  in action in following videos:

Modern Warfare 3 – Modded Lobbies Walking AC-130, God Mode, Unlimited Ammo

[youtube id=”efmY_SmDuPw” width=”600″ height=”350″]

AC-130 Glitch

[youtube id=”85RHezh-xis” width=”600″ height=”350″]

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