Texas Chain Saw Massacre Blood Trail Mechanic Gives PC Players a Disadvantage and Here’s How

Texas Chain Saw Massacre PC players may enjoy the benefits of better graphics and performance than their console counterparts, but one mechanic in the game seems to be putting that at a major disadvantage. We’re talking about the game’s blood trail mechanic, as a new video has surfaced comparing the console version with the PC version. The results? The blood trails on the PC version of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre seem to be broken. Or perhaps it is the other way around?

Is this a Console Exclusive Feature? Mega thick blood trail on bleeding victims.
byu/KellerMax inTXChainSawGame


And only yesterday, someone posted true confirmation, comparing the console version (Xbox Series X) and the PC version in the very same match.

Blood Trail Comparison: PC vs Console
byu/KellerMax inTXChainSawGame

The difference is clear, and as clarified by the OP, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre offers different levels of blood depending on the damage, and what you see here is the maximum output of it. It’s clear that the PC version doesn’t leave as much blood and, if anything, is far harder to track than the console version.

However, where the debate is coming from is whether or not the PC version is the right amount, with the console version being the “broken” one. For one, several have voiced out that the console version’s blood trail makes it harder for players to go stealth. The Family can easily track players, given the amount of blood left behind.

On the other hand, the PC version allows players to hide quickly from the Family, but at night time, it’s next to impossible to see the blood trail since it’s droplets.

But the one thing that everyone can agree on is that Johnny’s Hunt ability, which lets him focus on blood trails more, is useless on consoles since the blood trails are far more noticeable than what the ability offers and for every member of the Family.

Regardless of the opinion, this is very much a major issue. Hopefully, one Gun Interactive will address this sooner rather than later.

For the latest on the game, Gun Interactive has released a patch last week that re-integrated crossplay for PC players.

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