The Finals False Bans Addressed by Devs: “We’re Chasing the False Bans”

the finals false bans

Following its surprise drop at The Game Awards, The Finals has been blowing up on Steam, albeit with some unexpected side effects. A slew of false bans have hit The Finals, and the devs have communicated that they’re working to fix these bans as quickly as possible.

The communication comes from the official Discord server for The Finals. Embark responded to the bans as follows:

We are chasing the false bans. We have fixed some of the issues – please give it a try and restart your client. After that, if you are still banned now and you know that you should not be, write into player support so we can handle your case. Make sure to provide your Embark ID – it’s much faster for us that way.

If you already wrote to player support, sit tight, we are working through the list! The team is busy and we’re really happy that you are here with us, playing with us, and being patient and kind to each other. We’re aware of the other issues you are facing as well, but this message is already so long that most people won’t get to this part.

Hang in there with us, we have fun things planned. We just need to get over these growing pains.

The team also addressed player’s complaints about movement and the lack of Oceania servers. The movement has not actually changed at all since the beta, but the default FOV has been lowered significantly. Players who feel like they’re moving slowly should set their in-game FOV to 90 or above.

As for those concerned about OCE servers, those servers do actually exist, but they don’t have a dedicated option in the menus. Those in OCE regions who set their matchmaking region to “Auto” will be placed on those servers. Outside of peak matchmaking hours, however, you may still get placed in a different region to ensure quick matchmaking times.

If The Finals is at all interesting to you, we’ve got 40 minutes of gameplay for you to check out here.

Source: Discord

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