The First Descendant Reveal the New Assassin – Meet Sharen

The First Descendant Beta Update 1.06

As we draw closer to The First Descendant’s open beta, the developers are steadily introducing us to its characters. First, they revealed Bunny as ‘the fastest character’ in the game, and now they have introduced us to Sharen.

Sharen is the game’s assassin class, equipped with the ability to camouflage herself and strike enemies from concealed positions, which would be quite useful when taking on hordes of enemies.

Her other abilities include:

  • Assassinator: Damage increases when attacking enemy that is not attacking Sharen.
  • Cutoff Beam: Attacks enemy with electric blade to deal damage and inflict them with Electrocute effect.
  • Active Camouflage: Hides from enemies. When attacking or using skills, Active Camouflage state ends immediately, regardless of time remaining. When Active Camouflage state ends, Sharen enters Ambush mode, increasing damage of the next attack.
  • Shock Nuts: Launches built-in explosives forward from the arm to stun enemies.
  • Lights Out: Targets enemies within aiming range, and throws multiple knives to attack them. Knives explode to inflict enemies with damage and Electrocute effect.

Co-op games are designed so that each class complements the others, and this game is no exception. Sharen is designed for passive play. She is a high-damage character, but to execute her aforementioned moves, players will need the support of their friends.

The assassin class looks like it is going to be a great addition to The First Ascendant, and we can’t wait to try it out in the crossplay open beta which takes place next week on September 19, 2023.

Source: YouTube

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