Xbox One November 27 Release Date Debunked, Despite Online Retailer Listing

Over this past weekend, online retailers such as Amazon reportedly sent out e-mails to customers who pre-ordered Xbox One, stating that Microsoft’s next-generation console will be delivered day one to their home on November 27, which also happens to be a few days away from one of the biggest shopping holidays in the United States, Black Friday.

Unfortunately, it looks that the release date given by Amazon has been debunked, as a Microsoft representative recently told IGN the following: “We have not informed our retail partners about a specific launch date for the Xbox One, it is commonplace for retailers to put placeholders dates and prices into our system until they are given a specific date and price. We are excited to release the Xbox One in November 2013.”

Currently, the Xbox One still doesn’t have a set release date aside from November 2013 and has recently made some changes regarding some of its unpopular policies. Check out the full details on the recent changes Microsoft has made with the Xbox One here.

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