XDefiant Killcam Being Worked on, Devs Asking About Killstreak Feedback and Have a “Fun” Idea for Nuke

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Those playing the XDefiant closed beta will no doubt notice the game’s similarities with other fast-paced first-person shooters. However, there is one feature that’s become a staple of online multiplayer games that aren’t in the beta just yet, and that’s killcams! If you wanted XDefiant to feature killcams, you’re in for some good news, as Ubisoft just confirmed it’s in the works!

This was mentioned by XDefiant Executive Producer Mark Rubin over on Twitter when asked by a player whether there are any plans for killcams:

Rubin’s killcam comment was started when he asked about the idea of having a mode featuring killstreaks. For reference, XDefiant has no killstreak or scorestreak mechanic, but chaining kills together does let you obtain your abilities and ultra much faster.

Note that Rubin confirmed that this is not coming to regular game modes for XDefiant, nor is this a confirmation that killstreaks are coming at all, but it’s just the dev team throwing out ideas and whether this is something the player base would embrace.

Another mechanic that might be familiar to players is the “nuke” streak that is usually given to a player that manages to pull of a 30-kill weapon streak (in Call of Duty, this means no streak kills count, and only weapons and equipment). While there is no nuke in XDefiant, Rubin states that he has a “fun” idea for a nuke though it will take some time to implement.

With XDefiant still in closed beta, chances are these changes and new features won’t be available until the final release or in another beta phase. With over one million players already joining the closed beta for the upcoming free-to-play shooter, Ubisoft might be on the cusp of a hit. Go check out our interview with the dev team regarding XDefiant right here.

Have you played XDefiant? Would you want a killstreak or scorestreak mechanic into the game? Or should Ubisoft San Francisco leave that to Call of Duty?

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