Epic Games Blames CPU Meltdown Vulnerability for Upcoming Fortnite Downtime

Next week, Epic Games will be updating the cloud services it uses to run Fortnite. These updates will likely cause issues with both Fortnite and Fortnite Battle Royale. It’s not known when issues may present themselves, so just be prepared to experience problems at any time over the next week.

The “Meltdown” CPU vulnerability is the cause for the emergency updates, as Epic Games has explained:

We wanted to provide a bit more context for the most recent login issues and service instability. All of our cloud services are affected by updates required to mitigate the Meltdown vulnerability. We heavily rely on cloud services to run our back-end and we may experience further service issues due to ongoing updates.

And here’s the warning regarding potential downtime during the coming week:

Unexpected issues may occur with our services over the next week as the cloud services we use are updated. We are working with our cloud service providers to prevent further issues and will do everything we can to mitigate and resolve any issues that arise as quickly as possible. Thank you all for understanding. Follow our twitter @FortniteGame for any future updates regarding this issue.

Epic Games’ troubles provide a great example of how the Meltdown patches, which cause an increase CPU performance, can drastically impact a big company. Individual users may not notice a chance, but large-scale businesses certainly do!

Source: Fortnite (Forums)

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