Fortnite Update 3.11 March 30 Deployed for v16.10 – Fixes & Datamined Stuff Listed (Update)

Fortnite Update 3.51

Epic Games has rolled out the Fortnite update 3.11 March 30 patch, or what the studio calls the v16.10 title update. Same as before, expect a slew of fixes, and we have the datamined content available as well.

Fortnite Update 3.11 March 30 Patch Notes (v16.10):

Epic Games has not updated the official Fortnite Trello board for now, but here are some of the known changes incoming:

Here are the known fixes via Epic Games:

Battle Royale:

Split Screen “Ready Up!” issue.

Update 2
With the release of v16.10, players in Split Screen can again play another match via the “Ready Up!” button. Players no longer need to return to the Lobby.

Though given the “Fixed in Live” label with the release of v15.50, we’re aware that this issue has not been fully resolved for players. We are working to address this.

Players in Split Screen may have difficulty playing another match together due to the “Ready Up!” option not working properly.

After the release of v15.50, players can now work around this issue by returning to the Lobby before playing another match in Split Screen.

Duplicate XP notifications with Legendary Quests in a party.

Duplicate XP notifications appear when completing Legendary “Craft Items” Quests in a party. This can wrongly make it look like you leveled up during a match.

Your actual level and XP amount is available from the Lobby.

Anomaly may not appear on Shark Island.

The anomaly on Shark Island may not appear after completing the required steps.

Try completing the steps in a different order.

Chapter 2 Season 5 Legacies missing.

Legacies for Chapter 2 Season 5 will not show up in the Career tab. Your Legacy records are intact and will display again in a future update.

Visibility is extremely decreased when inside the Storm.


Players who are inside the Storm are reporting decreased visibility and increased brightness in v16.00, making it difficult to navigate to the zone.

Opening the inventory will cancel Tap to Search/Interact/Revive actions.

Opening the inventory while performing a tap to search/interact/Revive action will cancel that action. This includes searching a chest, reviving a teammate, rebooting a teammate and other similar actions.

Stackable items are not split when Shift-Dragged.

Stackable, consumable items (Grenades, Bandages, etc.) are not split when using Shift+Drag to select or drop half of the stack using keyboard+mouse input.

This issue does not affect ammo or materials, which should appropriately divide when split.


A.I. can get stuck in obstacles.

We’re investigating an issue that is causing A.I to get stuck in obstacles.


Player portal appears as “Creative Don’t Fill.”

We’re investigating an issue that is causing player portals to appear as saying Creative Dont Fill


Primal Shotguns’ fire rate will be nerfed tomorrow along with some Makeshift Shotgun adjustments & Raptors will finally be in the game!

New string hotfix:

“Complete all 3 Spire Quests then return to Raz”

Fortnite v16.10 Datamined Content:

The dataminers are currently sorting through this, and we’ll be updating it throughout the day. Once we’re done, we’ll post an “update” to the headline.

Update: That seems to be it for the datamined stuff for today’s patch.

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3 years ago

How about some good CREATIVE mode updates!!!!!!

Reply to  RedKnightOH5
3 years ago

right! WTF

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