Battlefield 2042 Specialists Failed Because Players “Didn’t Understand” How It Was Supposed to Work, Says DICE Producer

battlefield 2042 specialists

While Battlefield 2042’s redemption arc is still on-going, to say the game had a rocky launch is an understatement. Not only did it not fare well critically at launch, but it failed to resonate with Battlefield franchise vets as well. One of the main issues players brought up were the Specialists, and how it deviated too much from the traditional Battlefield class system.

In an interview, DICE Senior Producer Ryan McArthur talks about one of main sore spots players had with BF2042, and that was with Specialists replacing classes. McArthur talks about the major overhaul DICE did in Season 3 to make Specialists feel more like your traditional Battlefield class, and how a lot of the issues players had with Specialists stemmed from the fact that they didn’t understand how it was supposed to work.

“When we look back at the data, and when we really started moving forward with introducing the class systems, one of the big things we really started to understand was that a lot of our issues came from the fact that players didn’t understand how the Specialists were supposed to work. And if you don’t understand how something is supposed to work, of course you believe that the old way was better. Feedback from players was really good around this. So we had to find a way to give them what they wanted, but still allow us the freedom and flexibility that we originally wanted too.”

McArthur talked about how DICE botched the communication part on how Specialists should work and how it should have fit each class structure.

Each of these Specialists were originally designed to fit within the class structure that we had in previous games. We just didn’t land that communication, or execute it in a way that players understood what role each Specialist was supposed to play…We underestimated the need to make sure that we constantly tie these things back to the original pillars of Battlefield – class gameplay, squadplay, and teamwork. This is one of the big places where we fell.

Do you agree with McArthur’s statements? Would the fanbase have reacted differently to Specialists if they were communicated better? Sound off in the comments below.

In other BF2042 news, DICE just released the 5.2 patch this week, and we are confirmed to be getting Season 6 in the future as well.

Source: GamesRadar

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9 months ago

I Will never understand why they didnt continue along the lines of bf3 and bf4 – the best 2 fps games ever. So well balanced all over.

Reply to  Towli
9 months ago


Reply to  Towli
9 months ago

bf3 balanced ? lol you never payed that game until years after release i guarantee it

C Griswold
C Griswold
9 months ago

I think Ryan McArthur didn’t understand how Battlefield is supposed to work.

9 months ago

Oh great, I guess we’re going back to old “insult the fans” routine for when you screw up a game.

Reply to  ferris209
9 months ago

First thing I thought of. Truly amazing…they just can’t help themselves. Guess I’ll just keep playing BF1 and know that it’ll never be the same.

9 months ago

This is so out of touch I don’t even know where to begin.

Big wig producer here is saying that they intended for specialists to be picked in a way that made a well-rounded squad. But they developed a game that supported Yolo solo play by gutting support xp and giving OP ridiculous specialist abilities like a squirrel suit and a grappling hook.

Why on earth would you bother building a “well-rounded” squad if you could just pick wingsuit, fly behind enemy lines, and flank from behind collecting kills of the poor bastards trying to use the non-functional anti-air tools?

DICE: listen to your fan base ffs and do this right next time. We want the battlefield that we know and love with modern graphics on modern engines. We want the destructible landscapes we were promised. And we DON’T want cheesy tag lines and squirrel suits.

This failure is 100% on yall. Stop trying to gaslight your fanbase lmao

9 months ago

ewww this zoomer dice is so cringeeee

9 months ago

They went on vacation after launch with only 1 update leaving the game on life support.

The specialist thing is just a scapegoat, people didnt like them because they forced you into is playstyle and that goes against what a BF game should be a sandbox.

9 months ago

Ooooh, i get it now, its our fault your game sucked… the reason i dont like Specialists, is because i enjoyed being the embodiment of a faceless soldier fighting in a make believe battle, for their country. Not some overblown hero type with fancy outfits. You say, “the players didn’t understand that the specialists did represent classes”. And maybe you’re right, i know im not one of them, i knew exactly what ya’ll were going for, you just took it the wrong direction and left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth.

peter gozenya
peter gozenya
9 months ago

what a shitty game designer

9 months ago

I actually like the specialist’s it changes the game up from previous battlefields and it also creates more of a challenge, you don’t know what kind of tricks a player could have up their sleeve.

I did not understand it at first but grew into liking it, if the developers made this battlefield like 3 or 4 they would of been like call of duty which I have only seen, never played but they all looked the same.

9 months ago

Would have worked much better with squad communication,and allowing you to “grow” your own soldier,and not force you to use only pre determined specialist.And I’ve played it,and all BFs from release,so I’m not hating,but have enjoyed its “redemption”.I love Battlefield in general,( not fanboy love),but as a BF player.Still liked the “old 2042”,but it has aged gracefully,with input from the community! Long live Battlefield,and continue to develope 2042,for a bit longer anyway!!🙏🏽💪🏾

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