Battlefield 2042 Player Count on Steam Reaches Biggest Numbers Since Launch

Battlefield 2042 Next Update 6.2.1

It may not be a record, but Battlefield 2042 just saw its best player count on Steam since launch, all thanks to the new season and the ongoing free access. 

Battlefield 2042 Season 6 launched last week, and while it didn’t see a lot of activity in the Steam charts, the free access trailer, which started yesterday, brought in an influx of new players to the game. Moreover, the title managed to chart well above its previous free access (roughly 20K more), making this one of the most players the game has ever seen since its launch two years ago. Also of note, this is just for PC, and there’s the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S player bases as well, which means this number is way, way higher.

Sure, it’s free access, but there’s no denying that the boost in players is impressive, given the game’s age and how many still view it. With Season 6 now live, there couldn’t be a more perfect time to jump in.

Hopefully, the new season has enough for players to stick around, especially since there’s supposedly something new dropping around Halloween. If not, at least those dedicated players stuck around are now enjoying some extra life out of the game. 

Have you checked out Season 6 yet? If so, let us know what you think of it!

In other Battlefield 2042 news, Amazon has seemingly confirmed that more content is incoming, as Prime Drops have been listed for BF2042 for the next 12 months.

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7 months ago

It might might not be a record but that’s still impressive, im not usually into the Fps ganre and by no means a veteran player but im certainly sticking around.

6 months ago

I see those numbers have gone even higher now! What I’m more interested in seeing, is how many of those will stick around, after free weekend ends! Either way, BF2042 will never reach the same level as BF3/BF4 in my opinion! It is now after a lot of fixing it, an okay experience to play BF2042, and I can have somewhat fun an hour or 2 here and there playing it, but that is it! Also the new map and changes are alright, but the new map, I do not get that same, this is awesome wipe, like i did with Metro/Locker!

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