Report: Battlefield 2042 Amazon Prime Content Drops Listed for Next 12 Months

Battlefield 2042 Amazon Prime Content Drops

Battlefield 2042 Season 6 kicked off earlier today, and while players are diving deep into the new map and host of quality-of-life improvements brought with the patch, many are wondering what DICE has in store for the game’s future. We know this season has been teasing something for Halloween, but beyond that, many are wondering if it’ll get more seasons. Well, perhaps some good news is that, at the very least, Amazon seems to think the game will be going on strong for at least another year as new content placeholders have surfaced for their Prime benefits.

If you didn’t know, Prime membership subscribers can enjoy additional gaming benefits from several titles, including Battlefield 2042.  These benefits range from exclusive skins to XP boosters, rotating with new drops every month or so.

With Season 6 now out, many had thought these drops would start stopping, but looking at the Prime Gaming page for Battlefield 2042 reveals that there are drops planned for at least the next 12 months.

Of course, this doesn’t mean there will be Season 7 and 8 for Battlefield 2042, as some have speculated, but it is interesting, to say the least, to see that there is, to some degree, content planned out for the coming year.

If these aren’t placeholders, could we potentially be in for another full year of support for Battlefield 2042? While Battlefield 2042 wasn’t exactly the game many had hoped for at launch, DICE has worked tirelessly over the years to improve the game. The last few seasons have brought significant changes, with Season 6 perhaps the most. I’d like to see what else the studio can do with the game, as this seems to be providing significant growth for them, something they can apply to future Battlefield games.

So here’s hoping we see more content rolling out to Battlefield 2042 while we wait for the next one.

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