Battlefield 2042 Dev: “Not a Project in Trouble,” Explains More About the Dev Process

Battlefield 2042

Just yesterday, a DICE developer mentioned that Battlefield V was in a “different phase” when it got delayed in comparison to Battlefield 2042’s delay. Now, another developer from EA connected to the project has spoken out about the upcoming shooter, and mentions how the game being delayed doesn’t mean the project is in trouble.

Over on Twitter, Jim Hejl commented that Battlefield 2042 just needs more time in development, and that it’s “not a project in trouble.”

Answering a fan, Hejl mentions how he’s tweaking terrain tessellation for max performance, and how there are hundreds of creators working on the game 24 hours. (Read about terrain tessellation on EA’s Frostbite engine here).

Hejl adds that it’s normal to be squeezing more performance at the tail end of a game’s development cycle, which is what they are doing with Battlefield 2042.

Continuing Hejl’s interaction with gamers, he comments on how some gamers see Battlefield 2042 as “half a game,” given it doesn’t have a single-player campaign.

Lastly, If you were annoyed at DICE being silent the entire time before the delay announcement, don’t be. Devs are not the ones incharge when it comes to sharing news, which Hejl pointed out to a gamer.

As a long-time Battlefield fan, I don’t consider Battlefield 2042 “half a game.” I’d rather have a robust, and awesome-playing multiplayer component than have it half-baked since resources are going into a single-player campaign.

Do you think BF2042 development is in trouble given the delay? Or is it more of the devs taking their time to squash as many bugs as they can, and polish it more? Don’t forget, BF2042 will be releasing on multiple platforms and generations, and we have the on-going global pandemic to deal with as well.

Battlefield 2042 will be released this November 19 on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

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