Alan Wake 2 How to Unlock the Double-Barrel Shotgun

Alan Wake 2 - Alan Wake 2 How to Unlock the Double-Barrel Shotgun Guide

Are you looking for some more firepower in Alan Wake 2? While we already tell you where to get the shotgun, there’s more weaponry to be found! Well, we got you covered as we show you exactly where and how to unlock the double-barrel shotgun in Alan Wake 2.

Alan Wake 2 Where to Find And Unlock the Double-Barrel Shotgun:

The double-barrel shotgun becomes unlockable in Alan Wake during Saga’s campaign. Once you reach “Return 6,” you’ll gain access to the room with the shotgun in it.

Follow the story when the chapter starts, you’ll encounter Estevez at the Sheriff’s Station. Talk to her, and eventually, she will give you the Sheriff’s Station Key to continue with the story. Before you head downstairs, head towards the holding cells in the opposite direction. The Sheriff’s office is located near the holding cell, and you can now use the key to open his office. Inside is the Double-Barrel Shotgun locked behind a display case.

Looking at the sheriff’s desk, you’ll find some books with a note to solve the puzzle.

The solution is “723,” and how we got that is we looked at the first letters of a three-part book series.  So Part I starts with “Q” for Quincy, Part II “B” for Baston, and Part III “W” for Westmore. Each letter in the alphabet is assigned a number 1-0, resetting with each count. So Q would be 7, B is 2, and W is 3. That’s the passcode, 723.

That’s how you unlock the double-barrel shotgun in Alan Wake 2. It’s a devasting weapon capable of quickly dispatching Takens and other enemies, though it does have a slow reload time. So, use it wisely during combat.

If you found this guide to be helpful or were wondering where the other unlockable weapons were, be sure to visit our Alan Wake 2 guide page

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