How to Increase Crew Capacity in Starfield

Starfield Spaceship

At the very beginning of Starfield, you’re handed a full-blown starship and told to visit Constellation. But the entire galaxy is at your disposal, and, using that same starship, you could travel to Neon City, Old Earth, or visit the Crimson Fleet in Kryx. It’s entirely up to you. It’s a small ship, but it does the job for now. If you want to pilot something more significant, like a Class C Starship, you’ll need a crew to man each position and perform repairs. Here’s how to increase crew capacity in Starfield!

Increasing Crew Capacity in Starfield

As you start your adventure, you’ll find that your spaceship is limited to only two crew members. It’s not enough to operate a large vessel, so you’ll want to start earning credits fast to, for starters, buy a new ship. Secondly, every recruitable crew member across the galaxy demands payment. They ask for a few thousand credits apiece, sometimes as much as 10,000 credits. To increase your crew size, alongside buying a bigger ship, invest points in the following skills:

  • Payload: Found in the Technical Skill Tree, Payload increases your ship cargo capacity, which, in turn, expands the number of compartments you can install when building a ship. The more compartments, the bigger the crew.
  • Ship Command: For every skill point you invest in Ship Command, under the Social Skill Tree, you’ll receive additional crew members to man the stations in your ship.
    • Rank 1: Up to four active crew.
    • Rank 2: Up to five active crew.
    • Rank 3: Up to six active crew.
    • Rank 4: Up to eight active crew.

Alternatively, you can purchase various compartments, like cockpits and hab modules, to increase your crew size. Some habs in the game increase crew by up to six people, but those cost more credits.

Where to Recruit Crew in Starfield

Starfield Crew Positions

As you journey through the stars, you’ll stumble upon various locations where crew and criminals like to spend their time. It’s the former you want, surely. You can recruit specialized crew members for a few credits, and you’ll find them in most major cities in the game. You can find hirable crew at:

  • Madame Sauvage’s Bar, Neon
  • Euphorika, Neon
  • Astral Lounge Club, Neon
  • Aggie’s Bar, Akila City
  • The Hitching Post, Akila City
  • Broken Spear, Cydonia
  • The Viewport, New Atlantis

This is by no means a comprehensive list of recruitment hubs, but keep an eye out for various bars and dives scattered about the galaxy. You’ll find recruitable crew and companions there!

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