The Finals – Beginner Tips and Tricks to Help Conquer the Arena

The Finals Tips and Tricks Guide

The Finals has been out for over a week now, and while many have already begun mastering the game, there are still a lot of new players joining in who are having a bit of a hard time. Luckily, we ourselves have been playing and made beginner tips and tricks for The Finals that break down what we think are some of the most important things to know.

The Finals Tips and Tricks – Most Important Things to Know Before You Play

Here are the best tips and tricks for The Finals that we believe every contestant should master.

Team Wiping – Don’t Lone Wolf If You’re the Last Survivor.

The Finals - Beginner Tips to Help Conquer the Arena (7)

In The Finals, players have infinite respawns that work off a timer, which are twenty seconds long. When a teammate dies, this respawn timer is visible on the UI right by their name, and unless you can revive them, they’ll need to wait the full twenty seconds. 

But one common mistake I’m seeing players make is when their other two teammates are down, they’ll rush into battle for whatever reason. This is almost always a losing case, as often it’s a 3v1 disadvantage, with one (or more) of the three enemy builds being a counter to you or your ally. There’s zero reason for you to engage them, as it even comes with a penalty. 

If you die before any of your teammates respawn, this will cause a team wipe, which resets the respawn counter completely for every player. So instead of twenty seconds of waiting, that player now has to wait an additional twenty to thirty, meaning nearly a full minute of being out of action would have passed by. 

If you’re alone and can’t safely revive someone, it’s better for you to hide and wait for teammates to spawn back in. They’ll spawn near you too, so getting back into the action will be much quicker as opposed to respawning as a team. 

Revives – Hazard Objects Aren’t the Only Thing You Can Pick Up

The Finals has a lot of cool mechanics that aren’t explained too well. One of these is the player figurine/trophy that gets left behind when a teammate dies. 

When you walk over it, a revive prompt shows up, which most players understand. But another thing I’ve noticed is that players are reviving each other in the wide open. Stop doing that! The figurines/trophies are considered carriable, meaning they can be picked up. The downside is that it does slow you down a little bit, but you can also throw it to a safe spot. 

Additionally, your pick-up button has a magnetic pull. It’s not a strong one, but you should be able to pull someone’s figurine into a safe spot, such as a building if you are close enough. That way, you don’t get spotted by the enemy, as they would have to pay close attention to the dead player’s figurine to know you’re there. You can also use this if your teammate is on another floor that would typically be hard to reach. 

Carriable+ C4 = Deadly Combination

Staying on the subject of carriables, there are hazards such as explosive barrels, poison cylinders, goo cylinders, and much more. These are scattered all over the area, and when you pick them up, you can throw them at enemies. However, we’ve noticed that sometimes they don’t explode instantly, allowing time for an opponent to run away from them. 

Turns out, there’s a really cool trick and that’s that you can throw C4 on a carriable. This deadly combination allows you to essentially throw C4 at a greater distance, with additional effects. Not only will enemies get damaged from the C4 explosion, but they’ll also get damaged from any other effect. So if you use a flame cylinder, they’ll catch on fire, poison cylinder, they’ll get poison, and so on. 

Combining these two is an excellent way to clear enemies quickly, as the damage is nearly enough to kill them depending on their build. You’re going to see this become a common strategy in The Finals as it ages, so you should get used to it now. 

Destruction – Think Smart, the Environment Is a Tool, Use It To Your Advantage 

One of the biggest draws for The Finals is that it features a fully destructible environment. Almost everything in the game can be destroyed outside the ground level and a few traversal platforms. Otherwise, if you see it, it likely means you can destroy it. 

I see a lot of players not utilizing it to their advantage, though I suppose some builds make better use of it than others. For those running Heavy, you should be using explosives and your Charge ‘n’ Slam ability to create shortcuts through big buildings rather than having to go up and over them or around. 

Charge ‘n’ Slam is also the perfect ability to lose a chasing enemy. Activating near a cluster of multilevel buildings, you can easily confuse an opponent with all the destruction, thus losing track of you.  

It’s also called Charge ‘n’ Slam for a reason, as while most players understand the charge ability, you can also slam into the ground if you use it while jumping. This is the perfect way to drop down from one level to the next without using an explosive. 

Utilizing the destruction and also prove to be a great defensive or offensive measure when it comes to Cashout Stations. Sometimes the best offense is the element of surprise, and attacking a Cashout Station usually means there are enemies guarding it. So why go to them when you can make them come to you? 

An easy way to do this is if the Cashout Station is above a level you are, you can throw some C4s or use whatever explosives below it to drop it down to you. More times than not, the enemies will follow, and if you have a good enough team, you can clear them easily. 

This can be used defensively, too. If you’re defending the station, and you notice someone is trying to steal it, you can blow up the ground it’s sitting on, interrupting the steal. This can give you just enough time for it to cash out, so your team can score.

The amount of dynamism the environment provides is endless, and you’re going to see a lot of creative ways it gets taken advantage of. 

Goo – Not Just to Build Walls

Goo is a very interesting mechanic in The Finals because it’s sort of unpredictable and has so many different uses. In combat, you can use it to build instant barriers, to help give you protection from enemies, or to give you enough time to escape while they break it apart. 

For defensive places that have had their walls blown away, you can use the goo to make temporary walls for more cover. I’ve seen that tactic used in open areas, too, where players will use the goo to make a cover from incoming fire.

The most interesting way I’ve seen it used, though, has to be for platforming. You can throw goo at walls, and this will create a sticky platform that you can climb. You can use this in some places that would otherwise be impossible to reach, giving you the perfect vantage point to snipe from. Trees also provide cover, and you can create a goo platform inside one, shooting away bits that stick out. 

Ping – If You Aren’t Going to Use a Mic, Then Ping!

The Finals - Beginner Tips to Help Conquer the Arena (5)

Like any online game, The Finals has a Ping mechanic that lets players tell one another when enemies are close or where they think they should go. For whatever reason, players forget this exists, and if you are playing randoms, that can get frustrating as teams can be all over the place. All it takes is one person to ping, though, and most will fall in line and follow these objectives. It’s easy, and everyone should be doing it, regardless of whether they have a mic or not.

Builds – Learn Them, and Make Use of Practice Mode

The last tip I offer you is practice mode. Along with the tutorials the game offers when you boot up the first time, I highly recommend every player utilize the practice mode to test out builds. Joining a match locks you to your selected build, and if you don’t like it, well, you either quit or deal with it. 

So before you do any of that, hop into practice mode or tutorial if you haven’t familiarized yourself with each build. You’ll have access to every weapon and every ability, so you can test out what you like and don’t like while also getting used to the build movements and playstyle. 

These are some tips and tricks for The Finals that I recommend checking out. There’s a lot more, of course, but some of these are the biggest ones we see players ignoring that’s causing many deaths or missed opportunities. 

Have you been playing The Finals? Do you have any important The Finals tips and tricks that you feel we should add to our list? Let us know down in the comments.

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