Battlefield 2042 Update 5.1.1 Out July 18, Here’s What New in It

Battlefield 2042 Update 1.000.046

Just last week, DICE announced that Battlefield 2042 players will be getting a new patch this week. Well, we now have a date and time for it, as the studio has announced that Battlefield 2042 update 5.1.1 will be released tomorrow, July 18.

Note that while DICE originally announced that it was going to be a server-side patch, the studio has confirmed today that it will be a client patch (meaning players will need to download a file and install it).

Battlefield 2042 Update 5.1.1 Details:

Here’s the announcement from DICE:

The purpose of this update is to correct unintended amounts of sensitivity when Aimed Down Sights, in connection to Uniform Soldier Aiming.

Taking on board #Battlefield2042 feedback regarding Dozer’s Shield we will be deploying the following change next week to ensure his bash has less bash.

▫️ Reduced Shield Bash Range from 2.15m to 1.85m (-16%)

Stealth Helicopters will receive a slight increase in Ascension Point cost within Control once Week 2 of Arkangel Directive gets underway #Battlefield2042 tomorrow (12 UTC)

↗️ Ascension Point cost increased from 150 to 170 for Stealth Helicopters.

The update is out on July 18, at 4 am ET/1 am ET/ 4 pm HKT (you can convert to your timezone here). Once it’s out, we’ll be sure to let our readers know. It doesn’t seem like there are other changes included outside of the ones listed above, but if there’s more, we’ll be sure to list ’em down in the patch notes.

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